Dear Monday, I didn’t want you to start. I spent most of Saturday curled up on the sofa and then most of Sunday curled up in bed in the hope that my cold would go away. Well it did work and I did feel better but by the end of work today my head was starting to ache and I wanted to curl up and doze. I came home to make dinner for me and Our Sidekick but I just wanted to chill.
Dear @kingfamily, you made me cookies – well I think Mum and Dad were confused about it because it came in a box that said cupcakes on it, they arrived at Mum’s house yesterday and I collected them today on the way home from work. Having felt ill for most of the week/weekend, the cookies made me feel so loved. Thank you for taking the time to make them for me, packing them all lovely and the time delivering them to Mum and Dad’s.

Dear Work Challenges, so I had a shorter to do list than Friday which was good but I feel like I’m not getting any further – since we came back after Christmas it feels like I’m treading water rather than getting any where. Maybe it’s just busy and it’ll be fine again in a few weeks. I brought home my notes for my training presentation so that I can work on it outside of work hours. Once a colleague described my job as being 9 to 5:30 – I can leave at 5:30 and not think about anything else however I don’t think it’s that any more. Our Sidekick called me on my way home today to find out where I was because I was running later – made me feel very bad lol. Good job I was on tea duty this evening.
Dear Lasagne, I’d forgotten how easy it is how to make you. Then again I think this was the second time I’d made it on my own – I think before that I used to do it with Mum’s assistance – I have however decided that we do need a bigger lasagne dish as the current one isn’t deep enough but is too wide.

Hey, that lasagne looks great! I’m (hopefully) doing a series of guest posts with recipes for some cooking sites next month (I love food).
Incidently, there’s a friend’s local business (Kempston) that are running a kids art competition
Tristan Steel Doors Competition
Please share with anyone you know with kids 🙂
that lasagna looks good. And it’s so nice your family friends made you cookies!!
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