Dear Reading List, I set a challenge to read 25 books in 2012 – I worked out that I had two weeks to read each book – it’s about week 7 of the year and I’m only on Book Two – this can’t be good but with my Kindle arriving tomorrow I am serious going to step up the pace – I promise.
Dear Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, I keep getting muddled and don’t always remember which way round your title comes but I think by the time I finish you, the memories will be all that fresher. I remember 9/11, I was 15, I was less than a week in Year 11 at school and I recount the experience in great detail. I remember that day – it’s one of those days that will remember etched in my brain like the day JFK was shot or Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon (okay I am too young for those events but you ask people who were around then and they can recount those days in detail, like where they were and what they were doing).
Your film version comes out soon and I can’t wait to see the film. Therefore I need to finish the book.
Dear CJ, tonight you’ll be busy. You’re hosting a 24 Hour Marathon Gaming session at Church. I think you’re bananas but if it raises money for The Fountain then that’s good. I’ve decided I need to do something to raise some funds for The Fountain too. I can’t run miles like our friend or cycle from one end of the country to the other like you did but my friends have suggested I host a craft fair – I think it’s crazy but maybe that’s what makes it all that bit better lol.

Craft fair – excellent idea. Do you need any help organising?
And that film that we dont remember the name off – hoping to see if this weekend! Look forward to your thoughts on the book
Are you psychic? You’re on my list of people to email because I have virtually no idea where to start.
We’re having a swishing party/cake sale on the 10th March. I’m not sure I can organise both at the same time so I am going to start planning and then go into like full steam ahead after that.
I’m hoping to finish the book so I’m ready to go and see the film next week.
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