Look what arrived yesterday. So exciting!! Our Sidekick was super grown up and signed for it, for me while I was at work – he took it upstairs and put it somewhere (I’m not entirely sure where) but when we got home yesterday evening, he got very excited ran upstairs and got it then did like a march down the stairs and presented my Kindle to me really officially lol.
My Valentines Day was so good. I started the day collecting Chris from church and then he dropped me off at work as took Our Sidekick to an appointment.
I learnt from Bryony that in Estonia Valentines Day is about celebrating friendship love as much as its about romantic love lol. Therefore this became like my useless (or useful in some cases) fact of the day.
Work was okay but I had to have a chat with my Manager yesterday afternoon about various bits and pieces that have been happening – means that today was kinda busy at work (at one point I nearly went to tell him that the new plan sucks and that I can’t do it!).
I had to try and write this post at high speed as Chris needed to take my MacBook to my Mum’s ready for a presentation/workshop that we’re doing tomorrow, instead I adopted Chris’s iPad and somewhere along the evening I got it finished up.
I read various blog posts about Valentine’s Day taking a very different angle to that, that I expected but it was still good to read other opinions. I learnt an awesome fact yesterday that in Estonia on Valentine’s Day, friendship love is celebrated just as much as lovey dovey love.
Well I thought about how I could put it into practice and by the end of the day my brain was a bit frazzled so I never seemed to actually come up with an idea.
We went to collect Our Sidekick from our friend’s house and she asked if we’d like to stay for dinner – it was so lovely of her especially as she already had guests for tea. So in the end for Valentine’s dinner we spent it with three friends, our sidekick and their two sons. There were eight of us round our friend’s dining room table and we tucked into a roast dinner.
Following dinner we headed home so that our friend could hang out with her son before he went to his Dad’s for the rest of the school break. We got home and Our Sidekick asked if we could have a proper family DVD night where we all stopped what we were doing and spent time together. Well we did, we all stopped what we were doing, stuck on Finding Nemo, Chris even made some popcorn (I grabbed a bag of Doritos to share as well).
I think it was the best Valentine’s day ever!

ooh, shiny kindle! I want one too ^^.
glad to hear you ad such a wonderful valentine’s day <3
It’s very nice and shiny – I’ve finished one book and I’m on my second book on the Kindle. I’ve downloaded some others as well so I’m ready to go. A year ago I would have swore that I was staying with paper books but after watching Life. Edited. I decided maybe it was time to seriously consider moving over. My friend has adopted a bunch of my books and I haven’t even finished the list yet lol. (You can read it here – there’s no charge just a good home and maybe something towards postage if there’s lots of requests)
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