Dear Monday, clearly I need to figure out how to make my weekends longer or more productive so I don’t feel like Monday rushed round too quickly – I guess getting up earlier than 10am on a Saturday might help that too.
Dear Our Sidekick, I had a great time at the cinema even if it wasn’t our first choice that we got to see. Fancy The Muppets next weekend if there are spare tickets?
Dear Blog, back in January it seemed like such a good idea to blog each day for the whole year but it’s only February 20th and I’m already kind of losing steam. Maybe it’s just a dip and I’ll get all excited again soon.
Dear Chris, Thank you for designing the flyer for the Swishing Party – it’s very exciting. Although there’s a hiccup as my PDF hadn’t attached to the email but you’ve still designed something and then added the text a bit later after telling me you didn’t have the file.
Dear Work, please don’t beat my butt this week – I really want to get back on track with stuff both at work and at home and while you’re making me feel exhausted all the time I can’t do that.

Dear Hannah – Thanks for an awesome blog, and being an awesome friend. I just thought I’d take this opportunity, to publicly say, you rock!
Hey you! I read this last week when you wrote it and then forgot to reply – that was rubbish of me!! Thank you for coming and commenting and thank you for your encouragements!!
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