I was reading. Then I remembered that I hadn’t blogged and my brain got all on a knot. So I’m lying in bed writing this on my phone. I’m listening to Ed Sheeran singing Lego House but before that it was The Civil Wars covering Billie Jean by Michael Jackson. Next song is Emeli Sande singing Next To Me (which I posted yesterday.)
Anyway so originally in the plan I was going to write this post earlier. Work has been hard work recently – not because it hard and I don’t understand just politics and stuff have been stressing me out so I’ve not really felt like doing anything but crash out and try and get my brain to chill when I just feel like I’m treading water.
So I think the whole treading water thing has been fixed now hopefully but only time will tell. I’ve been doing some stuff outside or work time so that I’m ready to present at team meetings an training that we’ve got coming up soon.
Yesterday me and Our Sidekick watched The Brits and played guess the winner – as the nominations come up you shout who you think will win and then you get points. I think I won but then again Our Sidekick had to go to bed half way through so I did have an unfair advantage lol. I spent most of the time tweeting a commentary along with the show – I so need a job where I get paid for doing that lol.
So I went to work today and by the end of the day I just wanted to feel loved and cared for. We all ate dinner together round the dining room table. I then cut Chris’s hair (he’s brave!) and then when Our Sidekick had gone to bed me and Chris played Monopoly while The Mentalist and NCIS (and like 5 minutes of CSI when I realised I’d already seen the episode) played in the background. I did start watching the first episode of Homeland but the lady with very few clothes on was enough to put me off (was it really necessary???!?)
Anyway although Chris ended up mortgaging on and off for a chunk of the game he did beat me.
Right it’s bed time now. I had a whole chunk to write about Lent but I won’t get to it tonight. For now go read Vicky and James’s posts about Lent. They are both interesting.
Have you given up something or started something new for Lent? I’ve given up chocolate, over the last 8-10 years I’ve given up chocolate or meat each year. I keep meaning to do something else or set a harder challenge – but is that what it’s really about?
(Blogged from my Phone hence a lack of formatting).