One week dedicated to reminding us all that the blogging community is an awesome thing to be able to be a part of.
This week is all about celebrating the things we love about the blogging community. Remember and sharing about how great it is to have friends we’ve met through our respective blogs. You don’t have to have thousands of followers to consider themselves a good blogger.
So over to you what’s the best thing about being a blogger and part of this community?
Check out some of these other lovelies – they have all signed up to join in with Blog Positivity Week – how exciting is that! Go say hi and share some love!!
Amanda from Dragonflight Dreams
Amanda from Raising Miss Mommy
Amanda from Royal Daughter Designs
Andi from The Hollie Rogue
Ashley from After Nine To Five
Ashley from Mister G And Me
Alyssa from Ten Feet Off Beale
Beth from Through the Eyes of the Mrs
Cassie from Live Laugh Love
Cate from Sangui(knit)ie
Cuyler from Finding My Way
Dominique from Dominique’s Desk
Evelyn from The Bottomsup Blog
Gillian from Craftzilla Conquers the World
Hannah at Grounded Parenting
Janine from Three Wishes
Jen from Rellas Bellas
Jen from Right Side of the Grass
Jessica from The In-Between
Joanna from Moda Momma
Kayla from Sealed with a Kay
KC from Bits and Pieces
Kristine from The Foley Fam
Leigh-Ellen from Little Waterlily in a Big Pond
Leslie from xo.leslieanne
Libby from In Every Little Moment
Lindsay from Trial By Sapphire
Lindsey from Out of Alabaster
Liz from Blue Eyed Owl
Margot from Newfoundlander at Heart
Marilyn from Pulp Sushi
Nay from Cover to Cover and Everything In Between
Rachael from LOTS
Rebekah from TailorMadeCrafts
Salena Lee from Little Piece of Me
Sam from Wrong Decade
Sarah from The Fontenot Four
Sarah from Walk In Joy
Stephanie from The Knack

Yay, I’m doing this too! My single favorite thing is all the wonderful people blogging introduces you to (wink).
It’s awesome to get introduced to so many people. Twitter helps too. I met Becca from Just Looking via our friend Daren. I met Daren via Twitter and then in person at a twitter conference.
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