At work I have a notepad for all my work notes, occasionally I end up with a page full of scribbles of blog post ideas – mainly because I can’t write at work but know that if I don’t make note of it then by the time I get home I will have completely and utterly forgotten about the random ideas.

Has our definition of celebrity changed? I sometimes get recognised before my blog which is kind of what I want but at the same time I get all embarrassed about it. The most recent time was when I was helping out at opening of The Fountain at the beginning of April and someone who regularly comments on here said hello to me while I served him and his wife (or maybe girlfriend I’m not sure) and all the girls commented on their adorable little baby.
Does social media affect “in person” friendships? I keep trying not to use “in real life” to describe friendships that started or are away from social media because it’s all in real life just sometimes there is a computer or mobile phone that facilities the friendship (if that make sense!). On the other hand, my in person friend Libs used a private Facebook Event to coordinate my surprise birthday party – so Social Media does have its uses!
BGT – Me and Our Sidekick regularly discuss would we audition for BGT or The Voice? I say The Voice every time mainly on the basis that if I was bad or got a slagging from the judges on BGT it’s not only national now – just look how viral the good acts go – what if my audition was shown as a bad one and went viral for being horrifically bad!
Are pop songs getting ruder or is it just me? I did tweet about this last week and got a few responses but I wanted to see if there were more opinions out there. In the office I work in we have BBC Radio 1on most days. When I have the choice I flick it over to Radio 2 (well most of the day apart from a particular lunchtime slot that bores us all!) and listen to that – when song were clean and you could play them to your mum without dying of embarrassment.
The ebook petition – why are paperbacks etc VAT free but eBooks aren’t? I learnt about the petition from Katie’s blog but have noticed since getting my Kindle that the price are sometimes more than their printed counterpart (Especially when the publisher creates a set price for the Kindle version – Do Nook users have this same issue with Barnes and Noble? Or similar store?)
My friend Hazel Fairy sent this video on Facebook today……
oh, great god, be small enough to hear me now
there were times when i was crying
from the dark of daniel’s den
and i have asked you once or twice
if you would part the sea again
but tonight i do not need a fiery pillar in the sky
just wanna know you’re gonna hold me if i start to cry
oh, great god, be small enough to hear me nowoh, great god, be close enough to feel you now
there have been moments when i could not
face goliath on my own
and how could i forget we’ve marched around
our share of jerichos
but i will not be setting out a fleece for you tonight
just wanna know that everything will be alright
oh great god, be close enough to feel you nowall praise and all honor be
to the god of ancient mysteries
whose every sign and wonder turn the pages of our history
but tonight my heart is heavy
and i cannot keep from whispering this prayer
“are you there?”and i know you could leave writing on the wall
thats just for me
or send wisdom while i’m sleeping,
like in soloman’s sweet dreams
but i don’t need the strength of samson
or a chariot in the end
just want to know that you still know how many hairs
are on my head
oh great god, be small enough to hear me now