Joining with Sarah from Life of Love for the 15 Day Challenge.
List 15 Fun Facts About Yourself…
- I am married to Chris. We’ve been friends since I was 15, we got engaged in 2005 and married in 2007.
- I am Foster Mum to Our Sidekick – one of the scariest but rewarding jobs ever. He’s been with us since October.
- I have one brother called Richard.
- I am a born and bred Bedfordian – I’ve been here for over 26 years.
- I graduated University in 2007 with a BA (Hons) Degree in Performing Arts and Professional Practice from De Montfort University, Bedford (I graduated the year it officially became the University of Bedfordshire.
- If I could quit my job and not have to worry about the bills I’d go and study for an MA – in my dreams it would be in Media (Mass Communication) or Anthropology – unfortunately I think I’d need a new BA to start the Anthropology one.
- If I could quit my job and start my dream job tomorrow it would either be Professional Blogger or something in Social Media.
- I’ve been giving blood since I was 17. I recently gave my 12th donation. That’s 12 “pints” of blood that have helped people across the UK somewhere. I have a Bronze award (10-24 donations).
- I’m also on the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Register. It means that if my bone marrow matches someone who needs a donation then I might end up giving that person some bone marrow. I figure if I’ve got some to spare then the pain of the surgery is nothing in comparison to giving someone a better chance in life.
- I have four piercings – two in each earlobe. If it wasn’t for the trouble I seem to have with earrings I’d consider 3rd holes in both ears (oh and the fact that Chris would probably disown me for a few days or weeks).
- I play the bass guitar in the church worship band. I also love to sing.
- I’m a bit of a TV-holic. I love shows like Grey’s Anatomy, House, Bones, Body of Proof, CSI (NY and Vegas not so keen on Miami), Doctor Who, Hart of Dixie and The Big Bang Theory. (I’m sure there is more!)
- I am really not a morning person. (As you might be aware if you follow me on Twitter).
- I love to travel but don’t get to do it enough. I’d love to go outside of Europe (eventually). I have plans for a bunch of cities like New York, Pisa, Boston, Tokyo, Melbourne, Sydney, Washington, and Auckland.
- I love films, I’m a softy so I love chick flicks but hate horror and psychological thrillers. As I write this post I have Julie and Julia playing in the background which is one of my favourites (I watched You’ve Got Mail and Julie and Julia last week as a sort of tribute to Nora Ephron after she passed away – she’s one of my favourite directors).

So cool how much you’ve donated blood! I used to donate every opportunity I had, but the last time I tried my pulse was too high (111!).
Thanks Abbey. You should try again when your pulse calms down a bit – that’s like running a race pace rather than chilled and relaxed! The blood could have shot across the room or something lol.
Just catching up on stuff after a week away!
Good effort on the blood donation – I started doing it but then had to stop because of some medication I was on and never got back into the routine. Reading your post kind of gave me a kick up the backside and reminded me how much I am in favour of blood and organ donation. I called them to check if my current medication is OK and it is, so I have just booked to donate this Friday afternoon.
Go you Ian!! I’m glad that my post was of use 🙂 Be sure to get one of those stickers that say “Be nice to me I gave blood today”. I always figured that I’ve got spare and clearly it’s safe to do something with that spare so why not help someone else out. I’m also on the Bone Marrow register – with similar logic – I have some spare and it might save someone’s life.
I agree. Had an organ donor card since I was 16 and started giving blood as soon as I had overcome my squeamishness about needles. Something that could help save somebody’s life but only takes a few minutes – and you get a cup of tea and a biscuit. Might ask if I can give double on Friday so I can look suitably pale and drawn for ghost walk that evening.
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