Well hello. 2021 you made it. After 2020 you’re expected to behave and not be a (majority) of a screw up (it had it’s highlights but there were a lot of low points too).

So, let’s do this thing.
I figured I’d take it back to the beginning in a way.
Hi I’m Hannah and this is my blog. I have been writing under some title for almost 14 years and you would sure thought by that I would have something a little more to show but in 2019/2020 I think I sort of lost my way. I think I was trying to be what I thought a blogger should be rather than just being me and bringing you along for the adventure.
I’m married to Chris and mum to Jaxon and Rex. Earlier posts featured Our Sidekick who was our foster son. He’s all grown up now and living with his mate but he’ll still be part of our little family and hold a special place in our lives.
I love to creative plan and journal as well as knit and crochet. Most crafty things I’ll try at least once and see how it goes.
Between Covid and becoming a Mum again things are a little quiet on the work front so I figured now was the time to try and get more of a routine back when it comes to blogging. So I’m committing to posting twice a week at a minimum. The odd extra post might pop up by I figure twice a week isn’t too much and isn’t too little and it’s consistent rather than committing to every day and not meeting that or just dropping by when I feel like it. I’ve always told work clients to be consistent. Even if that’s once a month and that’s it. Be consistent in that.

So at least in my head there are plans afoot and ideas brewing away. Hopefully they will come to something.
Have a great day and Happy New Year.
You can also find me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.