Today it’s not really a list in fact it’s just a picture – My favourite outfit is the dress I wore to the Wedding on the 2nd September.
Day Fifteen – Never Have I Ever…
List Sixteen – Dream Jobs
List Seventeen – Favourite Characters That I Love
List Eighteen: A Few of My Favourite Things

Cute lists! I like your list of favorite characters although I don’t really agree with Bella Swan, she can get on my nerves, but other than that… 😉 MR. DARCY = swoon. 🙂
Your dream jobs are so random and I love it ha. 🙂
P.S. I have never been out of the USA
Hey! Thank you. It has to be the book version of Bella rather than the film version. It’s kinda sweet that she does get so withdrawn and loves Edward that much but Jacob wouldn’t need her to change for them to be together whereas she has to “change” to be with Edward. I almost want someone to right a “What if Bella had chosen Jacob?”
Mr Darcy – do you prefer the BBC Adaptation (Colin Firth as Mr Darcy) or the film remake (erm i can’t even remember what the guys name is lol)?
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