When Jaxon was born, when it came to buying baby bits, we were on a bit of a shoestring budget so he often ended up wearing clothes from the supermarket or from that well known cheap shop on the High Street. He ended up with all sorts of random combinations. Certainly, he had one that had starfish on it and came up on the till as girls top – but who cares?? He looked cute in it. With Rex, we have a little more flexibility but actually where possible we’ve been going for second hand items where we can – babies are often in some things for such a short amount of time that it makes more sense to try and extend the life of items by passing them. When I do buy new, I love being able to support small businesses where possible – both local and a little (well a lot) further afield I’ve been glad to be able to do that.
My Little Love Heart
My Little Love Heart are based in Perth, Australia and we crossed paths on social media. Luisa was kind enough to send us the dribble bib in the picture below, a burp cloth like this, and a Large Bib like this. The dribble bib was handy when Rex was teething – it was like a fountain some days he was sooo dribbly!! The fabric is so soft and it’s so well made. Because of the shipping, I think I’d have to save up and then make the shipping worth it but the quality is so good I think I’d struggle not to just splash out! (How cute is this 1st Birthday Bib!)
Oma and Honey Handmade
I’m a little biased for this one but still have to spread the word. My friend Gabi’s lovely Mum makes beautiful children’s clothes. I ordered a pair of trousers that she made for Rex at the end of 2020 and I love them so much that I’ve gone back to her this week to ask if she can make me another pair in the same fabric! (I’ve also asked for them to be slightly bigger than he is now in the hope I can stretch them out just a bit longer like I did with his first pair!). Oma Jenny (that’s Grandma in quite a few different languages) lives in Switzerland and her family live here so she’s international!. She doesn’t have a website but you can find her on Instagram.
Sweet Peas
Sweet Peas are my new discovery. The very lovely Vicky makes brightly coloured baby and children’s clothing. I’ve been eyeing up the Lego t-shirt for Jaxon. It’s absolutely his kind of thing. We’ve been talking about what size and what fabrics I’d like for the boys t-shirts ane she said that she doesn’t use fabric that she wouldn’t use for her own kids – which is very encouraging because you know she cares about the things she makes and her customers. You can find her website here. How about this fabric – I think I’d like a t-shirt in it! Would be very bright on a grey and drizzly day!
The Pigeons Nest
With Jaxon, we had the Antilop high chair from Ikea and it’s so practical so when I needed a highchair I had a look to see if there were any secondhand ones on Marketplace – why not give some more life to a pre-loved one before driving to MK to get a new one. As it happened a local lady had one for sale along with a cushion for it. Sorted! The cushion came with a cover but I’m thinking I do need a second and as it happens the lovely Rebecca at The Pigeon Nest makes covers for the cushion. My challenge is deciding which one I’d like (I think this grey and white chevron is my current favourite).
What are your favourite brands for baby items? Are any of them small businesses?