Both R and I are sick today…. We both have a cold. I’ve had a sore throat since Sunday and hoped that was it but it just seems to be getting worse. Whenever I get a cold, it always starts with a sore throat and then goes a bit crazy and the tiny chicken disease takes over…. (Okay so you may only get that if you follow Vlogbrothers and even then it’s probably REALLY OLD! Oh dear…. YouTube told me the video I was thinking of was posted 13 years ago! Both my boys were sparkles in the distance future and even Our Sidekick was still a plan yet to be told to us….) So combine that with the general feeling of a carousel or a toy car just racing round and round in my head and focusing is a big challenge. Which is why I’m here writing this random brain dump.
I’m starting this while I was in the middle of a SkillShare course titled The Complete Guide to Agile, Scrum Master and Kanban. See already on a tangent from what I was trying to do! (That SkillShare link is an affliate one, there is more information at the bottom of this post here)
I’ve been doing a course this week through the Kommune (local council here in Copenhagen) about applying for first jobs and things like who to write a CV or to contact a prospective employer to ask more questions before you apply. (I have already had my first job here but I think as they were both part time and what turned out to be short term, maybe I’m allowed in so I can get a “proper” job).
But I’m still in that “I have no idea what to do with life” kind of stage, again? Then again I think that maybe I’ve been stuck here for many years but have always been able to put it off. First it was a temp job because that’s what I could get, then it was self-employment around looking after J and then adding R into the mix. Now it’s finding something that fits around us, pays slightly more than peanuts and that I enjoy doing. I’d mostly like to be part of a team – having spent a lot of time working by myself it would be good to be around people. I spend my Monday at church volunteering as part of the Børnekirken team and then spend 1-2 mornings a week as part of a online Co-Working Group (We actually have people around the world which is really fun – more info can be found on MeetUp). So I’m working on my CV and starting over from the top because from feedback I’ve had it doesn’t work…. it’s not that good and should be worded differently.
But want do I want to do? Well that is the million dollar question and I still have no idea. Half the challenge is the experience I already have along with the education that I have. Yes I have a degree and while it would/could work if I wanted to teach drama or something along those lines – can I actually get a job with it? I’m sure if I could prove that somehow my degree helps me in a role even though it’s nothing to do with it, it might still help right? Then again I’m not so sure – I heard from one person that a specific company here will only employ you for certain roles if you have a Masters…
Oh well, I need to go back and finish my SkillShare lesson and then focus on other things that might be more productive then starring out the window looking at the rain… Hope you’re doing well today.
How has the first of the new month been for you?
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