At the beginning of September, like a lot of other four-year-olds, Jaxon started school. With so many things changing, I thought we’d have one last adventure just us two. Due to the time that we had another adventure to MK seemed to work best.
The day started with us heading to Lemon and Ginger at The Pavilion in Bedford Park. Jaxon’s honorary aunties and Grandma’s wanted to see him before he started school. They were all so excited for him. We are both so blessed that they are all part of our lives.
After Lemon and Ginger, we headed into town to catch the X5 from Bedford to Milton Keynes. Before we had left knitting group, I grabbed Jaxon a Kid’s Lunch Box from the Pavilion. It included a sandwich, a drink and some other bits. I figured it would be easier for me to grab food on the go when we got there. Making sure Jaxon was fed before I asked him to be patient was the better option. He had his lunch on the bus while we travelled to Milton Keynes.
Once we got to the shopping centre, Jaxon and I had a deal. If he would behave and let me do what I needed to do then he could play on the soft play in the shopping centre. It meant he would have like two hours to play.
To the Bank and the Apple Store
First, we stopped by the bank. They weren’t able to help me with my request but I was able to find a temporary fix that would allow me to do what was needed while we were there.
I’ve been thinking that I could really do with a new phone. My iPhone has been dying on me for a while. I’ve been having to charge if twice if not three times a day for it to keep up with what I do on it some days. So our first stop was the Apple Store. I’d already done the research and if Apple couldn’t price match another store in the shopping centre then I’d go to the other shop instead. I spoke to the Apple person who was helping me who said, yes they would price match. Also the guy I was talking to let me put my “old” phone on charge while we chatted and processed my order, as I was already running out of battery. I don’t think this is normally allowed but as I was there making a big purchase I think the rules could be flexed for me. So, while we were there I got my new iPhone sorted out.
That was the one major thing I needed to do, the other thing I needed to do was to get a phone case but I could always order a new phone case from the internet once I was home rather than going to a shop to buy one. I’m sure if I’d have been there by myself I could have filled the time easily. But I wasn’t going to drag Jaxon round the shops for the sake of it, especially because if it caught up with him the day after he might not have been on best form at school.
Lego, Train and Soft Play
We went to the Lego shop where Jaxon wanted to buy all the kits. I love Lego and love to build the kits. Then we headed to the soft play area, which he loves. The miniature train that drives around that bit of the shopping centre leaves from next to the soft play area so I let Jaxon have a go on it and while he was riding that around the loop in the shopping centre I grabbed a drink and found a seat on the bench while I waited for him to come back.
Once he arrived back at the “station” we went to the soft play, after all he had kept his part of the deal by being a good boy and letting me get on with what I needed to do. I parked myself in one of the corners within the soft play. With my bullet journal across my lap, I worked through my email inbox to clear the decks and write a to-do list once Jaxon was in school. I even go talking to another mum there about the lack of seats and then it turned out that she draws illustrations, so she showed me her sketch book which was really lovely. I wish I’d taken her name so I can take a look at more of her illustrations.
Pizza Hut and Falling Down the Stairs
So around 4pm we went to Pizza Hu, firstly to use the toilet and then sit down and have some food. In this particular restaurant, the toilets (minus the disabled one) are up a set of fairly steep steps. Having been upstairs, we were on our way down the stairs and Jaxon tripped about 4/5 steps from the bottom and just flew. He was there in front of me and then he was gone and was in a heap on the floor. There was a staff member waiting at the bottom of the stairs for us so he tried to help Jaxon up but I think that freaked Jaxon out that bit more.
I dashed down the rest of the stairs, dumped my stuff on the floor and scooped Jaxon up in my arms. I think a stranger coming to his rescue rather than Mummy freaked him out more than the surprise of falling down the stairs.
Jaxon and I moved from the stairs to a table in the restaurant so I could see if he was okay. It also meant I could get a better look at his head where he said it was hurting. The member of staff who’d witnessed it all went to grab the duty manager for us who looked after us amazingly. She got one of the other members of staff to grab some ice and a cloth to put on his head. While we waited for our food to arrive, the manager took our information and what had happened to put it all in the accident book. While we ate our dinner I was having a text message conversation with Chris who was about ready to drop everything and get us or meet us at A&E. I think he was more panicked when I didn’t answer my phone. He had rang a few times and there were missed calls but we were eating dinner so I’d put my phone away.
The Trip Home
After dinner we walked through the shopping centre then outside to meet Chris who was coming to get us. We headed back out of MK but as it was the middle of rush hour there was traffic everywhere. When we got to Newport Pagnell there was really heavy traffic so we took a diversion through Newport Pagnell itself instead of round the outside. There were work men resurfacing a driveway. It just happened that their big delivery truck arrived right in the middle of the rush hour. It was tight but we did make him home for bed time and that was our adventure done.
Time to get the uniform out and ready for the first day at school! EEK!