When Chris and I got married I wasn’t really adventurous. The idea of a holiday climbing mountain or hiking miles was really not my idea of fun. When it came to him doing Land’s End to John O’Groats, I would be the support crew in the warm dry car rather than out on a bike keeping him company.
Somewhere along the line I did get adventurous, one of my goals was to climb Snowdon by the time I was thirty. I’m not entirely where that goal came from and it didn’t happen but I climbed a smaller mountain which is always a good start before the big ones!
Last Summer we were on holiday in the Yorkshire Dales and decided to climb the local little mountain. It was fractionally over the line between a hill and a mountain so it wasn’t that scary! It was exhausting and I was shattered by the time we got back but I was proud at what I had achieved too.
Jaxon takes after his dad and loves the outdoors even now he loves exploring. Last week, we went to the park. There’s a big fenced off area and a smaller fenced off area. I sat in the smaller one journalling while Jaxon explored. He absolutely loved it. He had that bit of the park to himself for a little while and he charged around. He loves pottering round the garden at home and will often wander in and out of the back door into the garden and then come back in again. He is a little indecisive that way but he seems to enjoy himself.
Also last week the weather turned and we were stuck inside. Jaxon was getting antsy and just wanted to go outside. So I put his coat and shoes on and despatched him out for a bit. He loved splashing in the puddles but did decide to sit in one (which is why he has no trousers on in the pictures!). He wasn’t bothered and off he went, time to explore.
Part of me thinks I need to start saving up for a second car so that him and I can go on adventures while Daddy is at work. Maybe we can go exploring the Greensand Ridge or the Dunstable Downs. It might even be possible for us to start an adventure and then for Daddy to join us after work but we will have to see when Jaxon is older. I don’t think I could camp by myself and wrestle a toddler!
You can find more info about the Awesome Ladies Project here.
Do you like hanging outside or are you more of an inside person? Have you had any memorable adventures? Do you have any adventure you would like to achieve like climb a mountain?