May has arrived which means today is the first day of BEDM 2015. That is Blog Every Day in May. I’m hoping that I get ahead of the curve and I manage to blog every day in May. Some days I’ll have the prompts from Elizabeth’s blog. Other days I’ll be back on the normal plan.
Introduce Yourself
Chances are if youre a regular around these parts you already have some idea as to who I am and trying to “Introduce Yourself” always makes me question what I should talk about. But here we go…
Hi! I’m Hannah. I’m married to Chris. We’re foster carers to Our Sidekick and Mummy and Daddy to Jaxon.
We live in Bedford which is about half way between Cambridge and Milton Keynes.
I am a born again Christian and attend a church here in Bedford. I’ve been at the current church I attend since 2006, prior to that I’d been to two different churches.
I’ve been blogging for ages(!) and have recently set up my own small business called Daisy Media to earn pennies while being a Stay at Home Mum. Some days it’s seriously hard work to keep all the balls in the air and tears have been shed sometimes recently when they fall out the air and smash all over the floor.
I love knitting and crocheting, I also love reading. Chances are on a rainy day I’m normally found snuggled inside doing one of these things. As the weather has been getting better I’ve been out and about and exploring the town in which I live in on foot. I try to walk from my house into town at least one a week given it’s a couple of miles on a round trip. It gives both Jaxon and I a good dose of fresh air.
I love blogging and spend far too much time glued to my laptop in one way or another. At the moment, I’m sat in my Mum’s spare bedroom which is doubling as a sort of office space while we have no internet at home (the lovely internet company cancelled our connection rather than upgrading us).

Hi Hannah,
I was so excited to find your blog (while attempting to access my own via my phone that was nearly dead) I love the look of your site and it seems we have some very uncanny similarities. Firstly, I am also a born again Christian, my blog/small business is called Daisy Change, I love crafts and reading also, I’m doing the blog every day in May challenge and my social media identity is haylsays, oh and I just noticed, your rocking glasses very similar to mine!
Anyway with all of that said, all the best with the challenge, your introduction post was brilliant! I look forward to reading more from you.
Take care & God bless
Love Hayley
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