Blog Every Day in November is a blogging challenge for you to write and publish a blog post every day for the entire month of November. It’s as simple as that. The prompts were set by Elizabeth.

This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. You can get all sorts of You can find that here. Have a good week!
Currently… Watching
I’ve almost finished watching Grey’s Anatomy just in time for Season 12 to start in December (According to GeekTown). I’d been looking for Christmas films on Netflix and NowTV and ended up finding a new TV Series called Scorpion. It’s like Abby from NCIS, meets Mission Impossible, meets Spooks. It’s a bit addictive as I’m about half way through Season 1. Turns out Season 2 is currently airing on ITV so need to get a move on and catch up with the ones that I’ve not seen yet before the Season 2 ones start coming down off ITV.
Currently… Reading
For the first time in ages, I got my bible out and read out of choice rather than reading because of being at church or at Connect Group. I’m following the plans and bits that Women Living Well (the particular series on there is called Good Morning Girls) are posting over on their website – I’m currently reading Numbers which is one of those books that I normally tend to skip. A lot of it is about how everyone had their specific roles in looking after the temple and things like that. It’s along those lines that we all have our parts in the church and God’s family.
Currently… Making
I managed to complete the squares for my friend and went back to the projects I’ve been working on for a few days. I received some wool and a pattern from Little Lamb Wools back in the Summer and had started doing it but however I’d worked it out meant that it wouldn’t sit flat. I decided to frog it and restart with a slightly different pattern. It’s like an over sized granny square but it’s not the normal granny square pattern that I automatically go to so it’s a bit exciting. Also a couple of weeks ago I received this gorgeous wool from Cosywool. There’s a proper post all about that to come soon. (Btw they are running a competition on their Instagram – check out this post and get entering!)
Currently… Eating
Chris has been amazing and each week for the last couple has been writing a food plan at the beginning of the week – some weeks it works – other weeks it doesn’t but it’s good to know what’s on the plan rather than standing in front of the freezer each day figuring out what to do. I think it also means that we’re being wiser about what we spend on food and also cutting down what we waste. When there’s a spare portion it goes in the fridge and often works for lunch on the next day for me or Jaxon. Also when we use bigger tins of beans etc for Jaxon rather than the kids smaller tins, we can refrigerate the half we don’t use and use that the next day for Jaxon. (Yay for plastic tupperware style tubs!)