Something New and Personal
Share something new about yourself. A personal story. Introduce yourself to new readers. What do you stand for?
Hello! So it’s Blog Every Day in November and while I may fail and could end up skipping days, hopefully I will be here most days.
So in case you’re new in these parts, hi I’m Hannah. I’ve been blogging in some variation for the last 11 and a half years. I started blogging somewhere around the time that I was in my final year at university and Chris and I was about to get married. Since then we’ve become both foster carers and parents. Our little family is probably considered a normal size but when you look at ages etc the maths goes a bit squiffy!
In those 11 years, I’ve been a student, a PA/Housekeeper, Admin Assistant, Customer Service (for a Safe Manufacturer), Data Entry (for an energy company) and somewhere along the line also worked as a Kitchen Assistant (at a residential home). For the last four and a bit years I’ve been a full-time Mum as well as (attempting) to run my own business. My blog seems to have taken such a back seat that it’s actually locked in the boot of the car instead.
But here we go, let’s see what we can do with these prompts from Elizabeth and hopefully somewhere along the line I’ll find some ideas to write about.