Once again, I’m committing to Blogtober, but whether I’ll make it happen or not is another thing. One day I’ll manage all the days without having to catch up at weekends or something like that. For now, Happy Blogtober.
The morning started with the alarm going off. Jaxon now gets up at 6:30 to get ready for school. Depending on quickly he gets ready determines whether he gets to play his iPad before school (and how much time). Both he and I have been using an app called Drops which is really good for practising individual words. I prefer it for that than the sentences like Duolingo. I mean how often will I need to talk about an elephant eating a sandwich?. He has to do 5-10 minutes of that before he’s allowed to start tinkering on his Minecraft world. I still don’t get Minecraft but it keeps him happy and his world has been grown so much. He’s got such a great imagination for making his world work and change. At one point he’d created a water slide through a mountain that ended up in an underground pool.
Breakfast Time and the Morning School Run
Chris got up with the boys and sorted breakfast while I tried to squeeze in a little more sleep. Following the crazy yesterday with the suitcases, I was very sore and achy. I struggled to sleep during the night. Every time I rolled over I caught another set of sore muscles and woke myself up again.
Tuesday was kind of boring, as once Jaxon and Chris had headed off to school, Rex and I spent most of our day in front of the TV, unpacking or napping. We worked our way through a lot of episodes of Bluey (on DR they are all in Danish but if we switch to Disney+ we can do it in both English and Danish depending on the mood) while Rex napped I caught up on some YouTube videos and other programmes that I usually watch. Some I haven’t been able to find and others I’ve been able to find more episodes as Disney or Netflix here hold different rights to the UK counterparts.
Lunchtime Adventures
Chris was working from home today so during his lunch break, we had a walk to Føtex. (Føtex is one of the supermarket chains here, they are a bit like Tesco or Sainsburys in the UK). The plan was to get some food for tea along with some other bits including socks for Rex. He’s at the age where he would rather pull his shoes and socks off rather than keep them on his feet. They just keep disappearing!
While we were at the supermarket, we got frozen pizzas for tea. With Chris, having Danish classes on Tuesdays and Thursday, those days will be mine for making dinner. On Tuesdays it has to be a hot meal as Jaxon has a packed lunch at school. Whereas Thursday is sandwiches or something along those lines for tea.
The Afternoon School Run
Chris, Rex and I went to do the school run together. It had been raining on and off all day and of course it rained loads during the school run! I rode the cargo bike with Rex in the front there and back. In the summer, he’d been in it but had always had Jaxon next to him to keep him sat up. This was the first time he’d been in it by himself and so he wasn’t so sure about sitting alone. He got the hang of it though and was having a great time. Since Jaxon arrived in Copenhagen in the Summer, he’s been going from strength to strength with his bike riding skills. So now he often rides alongside Chris on the bike paths to and from school and church.
When we got in from the school run, Jaxon and I got changed into dry clothes and snuggled up on the sofa. Rex would join us for a few seconds only to then decide, he’d had enough sitting still and would be off again to explore (or just create havoc!) We had the pizzas from Føtex for tea. The oven will definitely take time to get used to. Next, I will have to start with less time and then add a minute at a time or something like that to make sure the food isn’t overdone!
It was strange doing bedtime again for both boys but we got there in the end. Jaxon watched TV while I sorted out Rex then Jaxon got himself sorted for bed too. Chris arrived home around that time so took over on Jaxon’s bedtime. Chris and I got things sorted out before I went on the computer to join in with the online Music Quiz we’ve been doing each week. (We won one of the smaller prizes which was great!). And that was another day done.
You can read all of my Blogtober posts from this year here. I’ve also attempted to take part in previous years and they are here. You can also read about our previous trips to Copenhagen here, here and here.