So I went off and explored some new blogs this afternoon – I didn’t realise how cold I was until I was too cold. So now I have a long sleeved t-shirt, short sleeve t-shirt, skinny hoodie and cardigan along with fingerless gloves to keep my hand warms (minus my fingers which are still cold!)
So anyhoo here is my findings hehe. I found this blog it’s called Around The Island and is written by Robin.
So here is the Meme:
1. Where is your cell phone?
Next to me charging as I ran out of charge earlier 🙁
2. Where is your significant other?
In the other room, he’s writing an essay or a cell outline – I’m not sure!
3. Your hair colour?
Dark brown – I am waiting to dye it jet black again – I quite fancy doing it before Christmas but I might be waiting till after now.
4. Your mother?
My Mum is on her way back from Harrogate at the moment.
5. Your father?
At home in front of the TV watching whatever he’s recorded on Sky +.
6. Your favourite thing?
My family and friends!
7. Your dream last night?
Very freaky – I woke up and was totally convinced that I’d been sacked from my job! I got up and very nearly called Chatty Ali to make sure that I hadn’t been sacked.
8. Your dream/goal?
I don’t really think I can narrow it down to one!
9. The room you’re in?
I’m in the living room – we’re in a flat so I’m on the first floor.
10. Your hobby?
All sorts but the main that are growing on me are blogging and photography.
11. Your fear?
Falling down the stairs! Don’t ask me why I just keep having the feeling that I’m going to fall down the stairs and hurt myself.
12. Where do you want to be in six years?
I have no idea about the next year let alone 6! I think by that point we might be in our own house rather than a rental flat.
13. Where were you last night?
I was at the Scavenger Hunt till about 8pm then I went to my Dad’s quickly to check my Mum’s emails. Then I came home and watched Strictly Come Dancing and Outnumbered then I went to bed and started my freaky dream.
14. What you’re not?
Warm! It’s cold in our flat at the moment! I am actually tempted to take my slippers with me to church just so I can defrost!
15. One of your wish list items?
Rock Band on the X-Box would be fab but as I don’t have a X-Box I’d need to start there. Either that or a nice DSLR of my own or a better point and shoot camera.
16. Where you grew up?
Bedford – the same town I live now – I just moved along the street about 10 minutes away lol!
17. The last thing you did?
Moved from sitting crossed legged to kneeling leaning forward to be able to type.
18. What are you wearing?
Lots of layers! my jeans and my slippers!
19. Your TV?
It’s off but I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy in another window on my Macbook.
20. Your pet?
I don’t have any pets.
21. Your computer?
My fab MacBook (for Christmas I’d like a case for it as the nice clean white has got a little grubby.)
22. Your mood?
Cold and kinda tired so I’m a little cranky!
23. Missing someone?
Yes. I miss my best friend she’s like two hours away at her parents house – she moved back there after uni and I miss her so much!
24. Your car?
I drive a bright sunshine yellow Fiat Seicento.
25. Something you’re not wearing?
26. Favourite store?
I love Etsy. It’s like one of my favourite online shops – I tend to go for online rather than going to town otherwise I get too tempted – if I have to concentrate on the exchange rate and stuff like that I feel that I can be a little more responsible lol.
27. Your summer?
Wet and cold!
28. Love someone?
My Hubby who is essay writing!
29. Your favourite colour?
Used to be blue or pink but green is growing on me – Like a racing or forest green or like a mid green.
30. Last time you cried?
Friday, I had a falling out with CJ.
31. When is the last time you laughed?
Earlier hanging out with Abster, Rikster and CJ.