I started this post when we we’re away. It was too gloomy in our tent to crochet, read or journal so I used my phone to get some thoughts down. We’ve back a month not and I’ve finally finished it!
Jaxon woke at 6am, this was an hour earlier than normal but I could forget him due to the fact of how light it was in the tent and actually how cold it was. I dashed across the tent to get him out of his travel cot and compartment then got back into our side of the tent. I think I managed to doze a little with Jaxon sat in between Chris and I. Thomas and Friends on my phone may have assisted (6am and camping after not going to bed until about midnight means that Thomas and Friends is allowed.
It was very cold (as I already said) so when it came to the first nappy change of the day I had to be really quick. By the end of the weekend we’d got a knack to how to do nappy changes quickly when it’s cold but at this point Jaxon just had to struggle through it. Something along the lines of only stripping him as much as was required to get the nappy off him and put on a clean one – there’s kind of science to it I think! Having been up and shivering I had to make a crazy dash across the campsite and surprisingly by that point there were more people up than expected. I believe there was an early morning bible study session running so that sort of assisted with people being up earlier.
Following breakfast and a debate about whether the cereal was Gluten Free enough for Chris to eat it, we got ready for the morning meeting. Jaxon and I stayed for the worship in the morning meeting then headed to The Snug for the equivalent of creche.
My geography skills got muddled and so we ended up walking the long way from the main meeting to The Snug, even though there were various other Mummies taking their children to The Snug and I could have followed them! Also because we walked the wrong way we had to walk round like three sides of the building instead of just one side!
There was a car ramp toy that Jaxon seemed to like and it was a bit like a marble run. He also loved the rolldercoaster ride thing that they had. It was like a slide but the kids ahd to sit on a scooter/skateboard thing and then go down the slide.
We spent the afternoon hanging around the social tent with the Woodside gag. At one point we went for a walk to move the car. Chris had discovered that the on site farm shop had an electric car charger and he’d sorted a deal with them so we could use it rather than have to go off site and find a charger.
Jaxon loved going for the walk and exploring some more. Apart from when there were cars and we needed to hold hands he loved having the freedom to explore. Somewhere along the line he started stomping on the drain covers and water covers.
Following our little exploration we walked back to the Social Tent. Chris did some puzzles and Jaxon played with the toys. I got on with crocheting more squares for my temperature blanket.
It was Chris’s turn for the evening meeting but he decided that as I hadn’t officially been the night before it was going to be my go again. In addition to that Amy Orr-Ewing was speaking and she was one of the few lady speakers in the full meetings (as opposed to seminars) so Chris thought I might like to go hear her speak. She told a testimony about going to Afganistan back in the early 90s and talking about bibles with officials who really could have probbaly had had her and her team arrested! Crazy times (You can read it here).
When I got back from the evening meeting it was tag team time with Chris so that he could go and hang out in the social tent. Chris went to get his share of hot chocolate and brought some over to the tent for me. It was then about 10pm and it felt like it was freezing so I got ready for bed and got into my sleeping bag and worked on getting some notes down for a blog post.