So at first I didn’t hear back from MrsFurmanator we’d both got off the train at St Pancras International, I stuck my iPod on and headed for the shops in the station (I think it makes me look more at home than looking like a tourist!) I wandered through to some of the shops on the way through the station as I needed to get some bits that I hadn’t had the energy to consider before I had left Bedford.
I got throat sweets and lunch, also got a fabric bag for life because I was running out of hands. I’d got dressed for the weather in Bedford at 7:30 Saturday morning which would have been okay but between getting on the train in Bedford and getting off again at London it was two hours since I’d got up and the weather had changed.
I headed for the Hammersmith and CIty line on the underground – and this was where the confusion started. I’d originally planned to take the Northern Line to Angel at Islington and walk the rest of the way but with the Northern Line being closed for maintenance it was better to get the HS&C to Farringdon – or at least in my brain that was the one that was going to be best.
I stood on the platform at King’s Cross (I always get confused which is which when it comes to the Underground but either work!) and looked at the map – the announcements were being really confusing so when the first tube train came into the station I didn’t know whether it was Metropolitan or HS&C so I choose to wait the 6 minutes for the next train which from the map again looked like it would be a Metropolitan tube. Well I got on the next one and as the doors closed the announcement gave out that it was a HS&C service anyway so I stayed there and got off at Farringdon.
To get from Farringdon to the City University campus there is a really straight forward route cutting through varios different side roads rather than going along the main roads. Well in a combination of taking the wrong exit out of the train station and then taking the wrong turning up one of the roads meant that I had to walk the longer route to the university.
I turned round a corner and spotted two people studying their A-Z while holding their tickets – it suddenly dawned on me that I had forgotten something – I’d left my tickets in the pile of post next to the fridge at home. While walking the rest of the way to the university I looked up on my email to see if I had the confirmation email – I figured if I couldn’t get in without ticket the confirmation might work. I kept looking at my watch because I knew I was running out of time to get to the university on time.
I turned into Northampton Square and the girl who was about 20 paces in front of me kept turning round to look over her shoulder – I think she thought I was following her but honestly I wasn’t.
I made it inside and joined the queue – I needed to “check in” before I could go find the loo but I was bursting lol. I explained to the lady on the welcome desk that I’d forgotten my ticket and she got me registered.

Okay, so now I have a wordpress thingy can I ‘follow’ you somehow on here?
Good Morning! There is a link on the left hand side now and you should be able to subscribe via Google Reader or another service if you’re already using one (Google Reader will be accessible by your normal email if you have no idea what I’m on about lol) If you need more help let me know 🙂
Whoop thankyou, have now subscribed using Google reader… haven’t used it before but looks good (also have been disciplined and blogged blog #2!)
Awesome. I have an important document I need to read for church stuff and then I will over there on my Internet shaped vine and have a read 🙂
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