It’s August 2021 and the Covid restrictions have reduced so we’re off to visit Chris in Copenhagen. Here’s our adventures.
Those of you who follow me on social media will know that Chris has been in Copenhagen since October last year, there had been a plan but Covid restrictions had messed with it so we had to take each step of the plan at a time, including celebrating Christmas in May when he actually managed to get home for a visit. The next stage of our adventure is coming into effect but the first step towards that was us visiting for around 2 weeks this summer.
After carrying the bags and the buggy, I woke up feeling very sore and achy. Thankfully once I had some breakfast I was feeling a bit more human!
Our morning started with heading to the Kommune for our local area, for us to attend a meeting about school with Jaxon. When we got there, they’d only prepared for one parent to accompany Jaxon. We decided that Chris would stay with Jaxon as he’d be dealing with school stuff to start with and I would head back to the apartment with Rex. It was Rex’s nap time anyway (and it was going to be a busy week or so) so it made sense to try and keep some of his naps in at a normal time. It was also long enough for me to fire up my laptop and see if I had any work to clear. The meeting didn’t take as long as we expected so when the boys got back Rex was still napping.
Our first stop of the day would be the indoor playground at Blegdamsremisen (Blegdamsvej). Chris sorted out packed lunch for us to take with us and then once Rex was awake we got all packed up and ready to go. I would be riding Chris’s bike and he’d go on the cargo bike. We also worked out that we could get the Doona in the spare seat (upside down so it was over the seat). It wasn’t ideal but it worked and Jaxon could keep it in place with his legs if needed.
Riding a bike through Copenhagen is a little crazy as at some points in the day it can be really busy. Fortunately, with it being just before lunch and a weekday it wasn’t too bad. Our first stop was the indoor playground at Blegdamsvej, unfortunately, when we got there, it turned out that it was closed for refurbishment at the moment (The schools have just gone back in Copenhagen so I guess that makes sense that they’d start work now). I’d seen an outdoor playground on our way so we turned around and went back to that one however that was a private one as it belonged to an apartment block right next door. Chris was able to navigate us to a bigger park a little further away but it was starting to rain. By the time we’d found somewhere to lock up the bikes and got the playground itself the heavens opened. Rex and I stood under the slide which was about the only shelter in the whole playground. Jaxon carried on playing even in the rain.
We popped via a little kiosk to get a hot chocolate as the rain eased off, Jaxon and I found the driest patch of bench so that we could sit without getting wet bottoms but the wind slightly changed so the rain was then coming down under the umbrella and soaking us some more! Once Chris and I had drank our hot chocolates and we’d all had at least a nibble of our packed lunch, we headed back to the bikes as it was just too wet to do anything. Rex was lovely and snug in the car seat under the rain cover for the whole time so he was only bothered that we wouldn’t let him out!
After Jaxon had been putting in more practice on his bike around the garden before we went to CPH, we’d been discussing how Jaxon could do with a newer bike but until he was properly riding it or wanting to ride it there wouldn’t really be any point buying him a new one. On the way back to the bikes we stumbled across a bike that had a sign on it that said “gratis tag mig hjem”. Now okay, my Danish isn’t great but even I could figure out that says “Free take me home”. Jaxon took a little bit of convincing but when he sat on the bike it was like it was made for him as the saddle was at just the ride height. Chris wheeled the bike back to our bikes and set about unlocking ours and locking up Jaxon’s bike. There just wasn’t enough room to safely transport Jaxon’s bike home too. Chris locked it up and made a plan to swing by after his Danish lesson later in the day. We headed back to the apartment and had to just keep going as the rain got heavier – I could feel it running down off my helmet, down my face then down my neck into my coat – I was soaked to the skin by the time we got back! We all got our comfy clothes/pyjamas on and the boys and I snuggled up in front of the TV and we watched Bluey (amongst other things).
In the evening, Chris went out to his Danish lesson and I sorted tea for the boys and me – it was a little challenging as I haven’t used a gas hob in many years and nearly burnt my hand (it could have been worse – have you seen the video of Nate (of Kara and Nate) trying to fix their Van’s Cooker – it’s like a fireball!). So at first, I can’t get the gas to turn on (to ignite) or find matches/lighter in case it’s manual and figures, I’ll just keep Jaxon and Rex going on snacks and then when Chris gets back I’ll do tea then. It’ll be late but it’s okay. 40 minutes later, I tell myself to stop being so silly and try it again. This time something clicks and I remember maybe I need to push the dial in too. Well, I do that and it does ignite and my left hand wasn’t that close to the oven but it still made me jump and I think I might have slightly toasted my hand… Oh well, I lived to tell the tale so I got on with dinner. Jaxon was not impressed that we were having Pasta Bolognese and started getting cross and slammed the door a few times.
If you’d like to read the whole adventure you can read here.