Currently… image from rukristin
The Good Wife (Season 5)
Warehouse 13
Castle (Season 6 – OH MY WORD what was with that season finale!!!!!! Oh and Pete from Warehouse 13 makes an appearance too)
Knitting Yarns – edited by Ann Hood
The Christian Mama’s Guide to Having a Baby by Erin MacPherson.
Lots of blogs as part of Spark (Written by Kam at Campfire Chic) and some that I read nearly every day anyway. (Like Lucy‘s, Liz‘s, Janet‘s and Anwyn‘s)
Whatever comes up on shuffle on my phone – this does mean that I had “Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree” at one point. In the car I’ve had Swing While You’re Winning by Robbie Williams playing. It tends to get skipped between two or three tracks rather than playing all the way through but it’s good fun to sing along to.
Finished the little squares for my friend’s project and they were delivered, finished another project which just needs tidying up and mailing to it’s owner and planning an “anniversary blanket”.

Tired because rather than chilling, two days last week I over did it and now I’m feeling it as sleeping is getting fun now.
Other blog posts and a crocheting project. Also trying to find a knitted or crochet chicken pattern for my friend who needs a bit of sunshine right now.
Sleep! Well when it happens. Minus the epic sleep on Tuesday where I worked out that out of the past 15 hours I’d slept 13 there haven’t been any unexpected naps this last week. AND the friendship bracelet and letter I got in the mail on Friday from my Lil Sister. It had the Winnie The Pooh characters on it.

Sleep is the best. And I haven’t seen The Good Wife but I’ve heard such good things I keep meaning to check it out!
Sleep is indeed the best – some how managed to hit over 10 hours today – admittedly I got up at about 3am and again at 6 but then slept again – oops! The Good Wife is really good, be sure to start from the beginning otherwise some bits won’t make sense – then again I ended up watching Season 5 with transmission and then catching up at the beginning in the middle of episodes!
10 hours is the dream – well done! And I must check if it’s on Netflix!
Why oh why can’t Castle be on Netflix? I would love to watch it, but I’ve missed all the early season and I like to watch things from the beginning. It’s a bad addiction I caught from watching too much Netflix!
I think it must be a US Netflix thing because I just looked it up on Netflix and Castle is there…… I’ve watched the whole of Fringe on Netflix in the last few weeks – that’s like 70 episodes or something mad like that lol.
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