I may have started on the Christmas films this weekend – I watched Christmas Detour and In-Lawfully Yours (not technically a Christmas film but does have Christmassy bits in it). Chris was busy working on a website so I was on Jaxon duty – we had Thomas playing on the TV but I had a Christmas film playing on my phone while he played. I also carried on working my way through Enterprise.
Following making plans to go and see Inferno when it comes out at the cinema, I’ve dusted off my copy to re-read it before seeing the film. My brother is doing the same with the audiobook.
Have been mainly listening to the worship playlist some more. When I walk to and from preschool I’ve been trying to listen to worship music and use that time to get closer to God.
I spent a chunk of Sunday afternoon working on my Temperature Blanket. I realised a few weeks back that I hadn’t done any since August so I’ve been trying to catch up in between other projects. I’ve managed to complete my part in a join project with Mum so she’s working on her bit now for that one.
I’m feeling better than I have been. Having worked near enough everyday for 12 days straight I really needed to make sure that I got some time off – by the end of last week I didn’t have a headache each day but I feel like my brain was doing 100mph even when I was asleep – each morning I was waking up shattered even though I’d had between 5 and 8 hours sleep.
Working on a to do list for this week – having been focused on two projects for one client the rest have fallen behind and need to get organised – thankfully one of the projects only happens once a quarter and now I know what it entails I can plan better for it next time round (Although the next time does need to slot in with Christmas too!)
I loved the rain yesterday although it would have been nicer if I didn’t have to go out in it. On the other side I loved being able to help my friend and her daughter. There was a huge deluge when church finished yesterday morning so having got Jaxon in the car, I ran up the street after my friend to ask her and her daughter wanted a lift home. They were very grateful – although of course as I pulled up outside their house it had near enough stopped raining and within an hour the sky was almost mostly blue again!
What have you been up to currently? Have you been watching or reading anything in particular?