Currently… image from rukristin
Strictly Come Dancing (I guessed who was going this week and got it right).
Grey’s Anatomy
Home Alone
The Newsroom
Dancing Cheek to Cheek (BBC documentary – it’s fascinating – there are classes and people who study historical dance – cool!)
Snow and Snow 2 (has the girl who played Victoria in HIMYM)
Mainly been reading crocheting patterns, finished another Christmas present and working on what to do for the rest. Then have some samples to work on which is exciting and scary lol.
Christmas songs. I know it’s only just December but I decided that if I was going to write about Christmas traditions and plan presents then I needed Christmas songs in the background.
Finishing up some Christmas presents and start others. Also working on my friend’s website.
Still plans for the little business. Actually explained it to two people last week who weren’t family members. I seriously need to work on my “elevator pitch”. Any tips?
I’m still cooking more but need to get a bit more adventurous with what we have in the house. We get a veggie box each week and when I cook we nearly always end up with boiled to death carrots. I need to actually learn how to cook them properly instead of just killing them!