Currently… image from rukristin
Pacific Rim (So not my cup of tea but Our Sidekick wanted to watch it so we did)
Criminal Minds (Season 1 and 2)
Knitting Yarns – edited by Ann Hood
My friend Hannah’s New Blog
In the car I’ve had McFly on after watching the McBusted documentary. (Yes reliving my teens lol)
I finished up one of the pairs of maternity trousers during the week and my mum finished up the second pair on Friday before getting the dining room ready for the baby shower (more to follow!)
Also been crocheting in the middle of all the sewing sessions.
Ill, have a stupid cold 🙁 And because I’m pregnant I can’t take anything really for it. Soaking in a warm (not hot) bath is a good start.
More crochet ideas.
Helping Kewey with her blog