Currently…22nd August


The image above and the Currently prompts from RUKristin.


I’ve been watching Star Trek: Deep Space 9 along with the Olympics and occasional episodes of The West Wing. I did realise that I’m quite along way behind on #westwingbinge16 so need to work up catching up I think.


I finished reading Found by Elle Field this weekend. Just as good as her other novels. Jaxon and I went to the library last week so I have some other books to be reading too. I  received my second Beta Reading project so I’m reading that at the moment as well as a book by Fern Britton.


I’ve been adding Kids Worship songs to my Spotify playlist so when Jaxon and I have been out in the car we’ve been flicking between my choices and kids worship songs.


I caught up on my Temperature Blanket over the weekend. I’ve been currently working on July but was able to snap a picture of the first six months yesterday when the sun was shining.


A mixed bag. The boys arrived home from their Malawi trip on Tuesday. There’s been a lot of chatter about what they got up to and things like that but also about planning new adventures as a family.


Those new adventures are being planned. Dublin, Amsterdam, Kenya and Malawi are all on the cards. Lots of advnetures!


I’ve been loving having the boys back but I did like having the bed to myself!

What have you been upto currently? Have you been watching or reading anything in particular?