A lot of catching up really. Some how I’d ended up a few episodes behind on a couple of shows so had a mass catch up. Jaxon still loves Thomas so we’re working our way through episodes on YouTube. We’re both a bit excited for The Great Race when it comes out later this year. (Hold up according to Cineworld it came out on Thursday. Question is would Jaxon sit through it or would he just cause disruption to everyone else?)
A couple of exciting emails about collaborations with different people. Also carried on with reading Run Yourself Fit while recovering from a rubbish cold.
I finished making this blanket last week for Lucy from Mrs Bishop’s Bakes and Banter as she’s expecting her second baby any day soon. I’ve been wanting to share it but couldn’t without risking the surprise.
The package was wrapped up in brown paper and then pink and yellow string. It was actually Chris’s idea. Lucy is a musicals nut (which I don’t think Chris knew) but he was like “Why don’t you do it like this?” and I commented about the line is The Sound of Music about “brown paper packages tied up with string” and he said “yes like that!”
I’m now working between catching up on my temperature blanket and the Elmer blanket. Lots of crocheting happening around here.
Better. I got a cold at the beginning of last week and spent most of the week on cold relief. By Wednesday I was coughing and it wasn’t pretty. I got in from the Tweetup on Thursday and Chris said he thought I was coughing worse (especially when I had to charge for bathroom because I thought I was going to throw up from coughing so hard). On Friday I was “confined to barracks” and was told to take it easy. Chris also said I wasn’t allowed to do ParkRun on Saturday.
Adventures! There’s lots happening this week and so need to get organised and sorted out. Need to look at bus or train times on Friday to meet Chris in MK. Going to be a crazy day. Am tempted to get over there a little earlier and potter round the shops before meeting Chris.
The weather, although it’s been a bit changable. It has overall been warm enough for Jaxon to explore the garden which has meant he’s not going stir crazy in the house. He’s such an outside person now. He loves exploring.
I got to go to the BedsHour Tweetup on Thursday and you can read more about that here then on Friday I went to dinner with two friends at Venue 360 in Luton. So was loving hanging out with people and catching up.