I’ve been working my way through Enterprise this last week and had it on in the background to keep me sane! I’ve worked out that I need to watch 4 episodes a day to fit all of Gilmore Girls in before the new episodes come out at the end of November.
I got as far as getting Inferno off the book case but didn’t get any further than that. My brother on the other hand texted me on Wednesday to tell me he had 13 hours remaining on his audiobook and when that was finished he was going to try and listen to the Divine Comedy. Normally I’d expect him to mean the band but on this occasion he does actually mean the epic poem by Dante Alighieri.
I’ve still been listening to my Worship playlist on Spotify. Two that get played lots are Faith by London Community Gospel Choir and It is Well by Kristene Dimarco. Jaxon likes bopping around to the gospel music too so we have it on quite loud some afternoons!
On Wednesday Chris went to the Gitlab World Tour in London. When he got back he’d got me this sticker (it was fabric like a patch but had a sticky back), I adopted the Wok to Walk chopstick wrapper and then Chris gave me his train ticket. I stuck it all in my journal and got the layout below done between blog posts and other bits. There is a story behind the Wok to Walk wrapper. when we were in Amsterdam for our honeymoon we practically lived on Wok to Walk because it was cheap and yummy!
A whole mixture, on Tuesday I went to bed with a real stomach ache and felt nausea at one point but when I woke up, I was okay but just felt a little worn out. By the weekend I felt better though – just in time for the new Craft Club at church to launch.
Again my to do list is in overdrive! Ever have one of those weeks where you cross one thing off and another ten arrive on the list?
I found this print on Etsy while I was looking for the Gilmore Girls title card. How cute is it! I would love a copy of it to stick on my “inspiration” wall next to the computer. It’s from Rain City Prints. You can find them on Etsy here.
What have you been up to currently? Have you been watching or reading anything in particular?