How lovely has the weather been this week. It’s been great – although I walked home one day last week and thought I was going to melt it was that hot!

Currently… Watching
A lot of the TV shows I watch are coming to their season ends. I missed a large chunk of this season of The Big Bang Theory but caught the season finale and I’m SO glad I did! I won’t post spoilers here but I loved the ending. I’ve been making my way through a couple of series including Criminal Minds, Madam Secretary, Grey’s Anatomy and Scorpion. I’ve also found Touch and Riverdale on Netflix amongst others. I ended up watching Legally Blonde this last week as well as God’s Not Dead 2.
Currently… Reading
When we were away, a couple of weekends ago I read the whole of The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan. Since getting back I’ve been continuing reading Angelopolis by Danielle Trussoni. I’m still working on it and it seem a bit slow going but I’m getting there in the end.

I also read some blog posts including quite a from Lucy at Mrs Bishop’s Bakes and Banter. First up this one about anxiety, followed by this one about anniversaries.
Currently… Listening
I’ve started a couple of new playlists on Spotify. One of them is all worship songs whereas the other is a mixture. With my audition for the church band coming up in a few weeks, I’ve been listening to more worship music and been trying to practice harmonies and things like that.
Currently… Making
I’m working on a baby blanket for a very imminent baby (So once I finish this post, I’m back to crocheting my fingers off!). Then I’ll be alternating between another blanket and a beta knitting project.

Currently… Feeling
A mix of emotions I think. With all that happened in Manchester last week my emotions have been a bit loopy. I spent Tuesday hugging Jaxon at every opportunity. I think he was a bit grateful when I went out in the afternoon because it meant I stop hugging him so much. As the week went on, stories would come out of people helping other people. Strangers on the street were becoming other people’s heroes. It might have just been a cuddle in a moment of need or giving first aid until the emergency services arrived, but people came together to help one another. As my Mum said on Friday when I saw her, if we’d have been local, the kettle would have been on, she’d have given people lifts and she’d have made up the spare bed. After the minute’s silence on Thursday the crowd in Manchester started to sing Don’t Look Back In Anger. It’s become a bit of an anthem to show Manchester coming together and helping one another to move forward.

Currently… Planning
More adventures. This week, I have a cinema trip, a picnic and then at the weekend it’s the Elliebth Designs Annual Day so I’m off on a road trip with a fellow planner addict! Need to figure out what to pack for that.
Currently… Loving
The weather. Yes it’s been a bit hot and sometimes uncomfortably so but it’s been dry which has meant we’ve been able to spend more time outside. Jaxon is loving his paddling pool which was unexpected. Last summer when we went to our friend’s house for a playdate, he wouldn’t get in the paddling pool and even if he did he would only stay there if I was holding his hand. I’m thinking I might take him to the swimming pool when the schools go back after the half term break but I don’t want to push my luck!