The image above and the Currently prompts from RUKristin.
I’ve been watching more Star Trek: Deep Space 9. I know, I know I’m a bit addicted to it! I’m sure I’ll be finished by next week! The Great British Bake Off started on the 24th August so I watched Week 2 – they were making gingerbread models and all sorts. Strictly Come Dancing started this weekend so I tuned in for the Launch Show. I get the point behind the Launch Show but it’s a lot of stalling that would take half the time without the chatter. I guess it’s trying to make a feature of the pairing up but to be honest it’s a bit boring. On the other hand, it did mean I got a lot of knitting done!
I’ve been still working my way through the Beta Reading Project. I even started writing a blog post in notes so that when I can talk about it, I have the post almost ready to go. I’m also still reading my library book which is The Holiday Home by Fern Britton.
I’ve been carrying on the cheese-fest. I had Steps playing while I did chores on Saturday morning and then when I was briefly out in the garden I switched to Fleetwood Mac as I thought my neighbours might appreciate it a bit better.
For now, I’ve stopped on my temperature blanket while working on a knitted jumper for Jaxon. I’ve been working on the ribbing as part of the sleeves. I finished the back on Saturday and was impressed that it match up to the front and also that it looked like the back of a jumper.
Yesterday morning I was feeling rubbish. I woke up with a headache and even when I took painkillers they seemed to take forever to kick in. I spent most of the worship time sat on the floor with my eyes closed and my hands over my eyes to try and calm down the banging that was going on. It sort of worked but then Jaxon kept trying to take my glasses off my head and catching my hair. Chris took Jaxon home in the car and I walked home. It meant that my head was clearer.
We are working more on our adventures. Attempted to sort out Jaxon’s passport last week but didn’t have all the information I needed about his grandparents so had to do some detetctive work. Also when I saw the price I had to check with Chris – how can such a small person cos so much in paperwork lol.
I was syncing my FitBit yesterday and realised that there’s a new feature on there called FitBit Adventures. They only have three on there at the moment but it does look like fun. Might try out the shortest one today. If I’m organised we can walk to knitting group instead of getting the bus.
What have you been up to currently? Have you been watching or reading anything in particular?