Currently… image from rukristin
Doctor Who (started the Matt smith episodes on Tuesday)
House of Cards (after Becca posted about it – gave up part way through Episode 1 – think I prefer Aaron Sorkin’s take on “fictional” politics).
The Heat
Knitting Yarns edited by Ann Hood
Haven’t really been out in the car or if I have Chris has been driving so we’ve either been chatting or local radio is on. Around the house we’ve had UCB on.
Working on the stripy blanket when the temperature has been a little lower. I’ve also been knitting a blanket which is smaller so doesn’t cook me at the same time!
Sort of down. I think it’s just frustration and fed up ness I hit 39 weeks last Wednesday which means that tomorrow my baby is due. I am grateful beyond belief that I can carry a baby and be a Momma because I know how many ladies would kill to be in my shoes right now.
Finishing up the packing ready for hospital. Planning the contingency for Our Sidekick and updating our Supporting Social Worker as Our Sidekick’s Social worker is on holiday.
The sunshine and the gorgeous weather but wish it would be just a bit less muggy. Loving all the time I can spend with Chris, at first he was getting on my nerves as I think he hadn’t realised how much effort everything takes when you’re this close to popping out a baby.