This post was originally started using the Currently prompt from RUKristin. You can get all sorts of You can find that here. Have a good week!
Currently… Watching
Grey’s Anatomy – I’ve watched almost from the beginning all the way up to Cristina leaving. So I have one more season and about five days to watch it before the new episodes start this week on TV.
SuperGirl – Love it! Funny that Chyler Leigh plays SuperGirl’s foster (adopted?) sister – oh and Dean Cain who played Superman in The New Adventures of Superman plays Superman and SuperGirl’s “foster” Dad.
Scorpion – Season Two is currently airing – Sly and Meghan are super cute but I’ve got the feeling that it’s not going to end happily. Walter and Paige are also very sweet together but just need to stop skirting round the subject lol.
On YouTube I’ve been watching Mrs Brimbles and Ali Brown. Loving all the planning videos – unfortunately I’m so indecisive that I still don’t know what I’m doing.
Currently… Reading
I’ve been rubbish at reading books recently. According to Goodreads, I’ve read 13 out of 25 this year which means I’m ten behind schedule for the Goodreads Reading Challenge this year. I have ten partly read on my currently reading list. So I have that eternal debate: Do I start a new book or try and complete ones that I have outstanding”. (Two of the outstanding are over 500 pages each so will really need to get a pedal on to complete those).
Currently as I write this in draft form Chris is making dinner and the radio is playing Write Your Story by Francesca Battistelli.
My life, I know it’s never really been mine
So do with it whatever you like
I don’t know what your plan is
But I know it’s good.
Other than that I’ve been listening to the dialogue on Thomas and Friends while doing chores around the kitchen. I’ve been trying to get a chores list together to get the house ready for Christmas before we put the decorations up. Some is easier than others lol. (I kept singing the theme song from Blue Mountain Mystery too which amused Jaxon lol. It vaguely sounds like Status Quo which is probably why it’s stuck in my head!).
Currently… Making
I’ve been working on more granny squares for the secret project as well as knitting a scarf with the wool that I received from Cosywool. This is the video that I posted on YouTube.
Currently… Feeling
Mixed really. I’ve had a sore throat which has meant that some mornings I’ve woken up with absolutely no voice and it’s taken a big glass of water or a coughing fit to get my voice started. I’m also trying to get organised for Christmas, I was feeling a bit stressed that there were a couple of less days and I’d made no progress. Last year I got so worked up about making sure that Christmas was right that I sat in my Mum’s dining room and burst into tears because I just wasn’t coping so well (Looking back I did wonder if this was some variation of PND – I’m not 100% but I’m feeling better now). I think now I’ve sorted the kitchen and Jaxon’s toys I feel a little more in control Next up is getting the toys to good homes. I’m probably going to take them to the charity shop but I did send a message round some mummy friends of mine to see if they’d like them. So far a couple of items have been adopted.
Currently… Planning
After discovering Midori Traveler’s Notebooks in the summer I was hooked. I mean absolutely hooked! But before that there was the Bullet Journal. I’m not quite sure how it’s happened but I’m back into the Bullet Journal method of planning and although it can be done in the Midori Notebook something about it just works better in a Moleskine (like this or this). I was clearing out under the bed and found that I’d got three of these notebooks on the go so have decided at least for now that I’m going to do day to day to do lists etc in the Moleskine and keep my Traveler’s Notebook for journalling. (Add to this that I bought an A5 Filofax for Work/Christmas Planning in the mix too and I really don’t know which works for me best. A5 is heavy but Personal would be another one to debate with). So I think I have a plan for now. I have an insert from Stilo Papers arriving in about two or three weeks. I won it in a competition but the shipping to the UK was getting on for nearly $10 so I asked nicely if they would ship to Brains who is currently working in NY and would be coming home for Christmas so that’s sort of exciting (although seeing Brains is twice as exciting!)