Over Christmas, we restarted our NowTV account as a treat over Christmas. I figured while we had it, I’d try out some new things. First up was The Young Pope, Jude Law plays Pope Pius who is the first American Pope. The first episode is two hours long – I got 45 minutes in and had just lost the concentration to sit through the whole first episode in one go. Back to Grey’s Anatomy – episode 7 and 8 in one week because I thought I had watched an episode when I hadn’t.
On Christmas Eve, Jaxon and I unexpectedly spent some of the day with my parents. When we had arrived Dad was in the middle of watching Terry Prachett’s Going Postal. He ended up switching it off so that Jaxon could watch Thomas and Friends.
I started Chicago Fire while crocheting earlier in he week. Funny listening to Jesse Spencer put on an American accent rather than his Aussie accent. I got a bit addicted and am already on Season 2 and I am enjoying it. Part of the story line is bugging me a bit but overall it’s good. (Oh make that another part of the story is bugging me!) I’ve been binge watching it today while I work on blog planning.
Reading books often make up a lot of my Christmas presents. This year made no difference. My brother got me a Joss Whedon Biography, a book about Douglas Adams. I also received The Christmasaurus by Tom Fletcher, On The Other Side by Carrie Hope Fletcher and a whole bundle of knitting and crochet books.
I’ve had The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher on my wish list for a couple of weeks but after a certain point in the year I try not to buy from my list. Following Christmas I decided that I would purchase it on Kindle so that’s been my main read this week. According to my Kindle App, I’m currently on 40%.
At the beginning of the week we were still listening to Christmas music. Now Christmas is over and New Year is done. Need to start forming a new playlist. What’s good to listen to now that Christmas is done?
I finished my Temperature Blanket on New Year’s Day. Then last night I finished edging it. It’s all ready to go on the bed when Chris finishes decorating the bedroom and the new carpet goes down at the weekend. (As I write this our mattress is on the bedroom floor and the bed frame is all dismantled against the wall.
Kind of tired after all the crazy of Christmas, but hoping once everything goes back to normal it’ll all calm down again and I won’t feel so tired lol.
Lots of blog fun, adventures that were having as a family, other exciting things that are coming up too. I’ve also been attempting to be more intentional and organised about eating on plan. Sometimes it’s been a right fail but I’m hoping that most of the time I have been on plan and will see the results over the next few weeks.
The fact that our room will be newly decorated soon. There’s some old furniture going and some new furniture coming in too. I think I’m going to “Kondo” our stuff as it comes back in again so that we have less in the bedroom. I’m not so sure how it will work but I figure it’s worth the try especially if it saves less stress!
Heads up! In this post there are a couple of affiliate links.

The Carrie Fisher book is TOTALLY on my reading list, let me know what you think! Also High five for finishing your Temperature blanket! It was so fun to see your progress on this through out the year!
That Carrie Fisher books looks great! I’ll have to check it out!!!
Do it! Then again if your TBR list is as long as mine it might take a while! Thanks for commenting!
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