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Tell us about your favourite pair of shoes, and where they’ve taken you.
Some girls are obsessed by bags and some are obsessed by shoes. For most of my life up for this point, I have definitely been about bags.
Shoes are a different matter. And okay whereas the titles says boots, I’m actually talking about my very well loved and worn trainers. When I was a teen I had school shoes, trainers, flip flops and maybe one or two other pairs but the school shoes or trainers were the pair that really got the most love.
Now I still have a small collection of shoes but the ones in use is down to one pair. I live in my pink trainers.
My last pair had got to the point that they were rubbing blisters into the backs of my heels because I’d worn a hole into the inner of my shoe. So back in November, I asked my Dad nicely to take me to the retail park and while I looked at shoes, he occupied Jaxon.
I settled on a bright pink pair. And that was before Christmas last year.
Since then I’ve decorated scenery at church and I’ve been to Italy. They would have taken me to Amsterdam too had the plans not fallen through. They’ve taken me on planes and trains, usually in the car too.
They’ve seen puddles and sand (at the play park, not the beach!).
They have taken Jaxon to see the Christmas display at Middleton Hall and explored new areas by myself like Walthamstow in June.
The frequently get carried through the house and presented to me by Jaxon because he wants to go to the park or out in the garden.
They have taken me to yoga and aerobics classes. They have kept me going round Bedford Park for ParkRun. They’ve helped me to try and achieve some goals. They’ve taken me through Race for Life and helped me run across the finish line.
It’s definite that not all my steps were taken while wearing these pink shoes but since November when I bought the shoes I’ve walked nearly 950 miles. It really might be time to consider new shoes. I’ve been window shopping and I quite like these ones as they are really colourful. However I would definitely try before I buy as I’ve had some branded ones in the past that have been so uncomfortable that I’ve ended up with blisters.
Any recommendations? I wonder where the new shoes will take me.
Do you have a favourite pair of shoes or do you have a favourite pair depending on the season, weather or event?