Okay massive fail moment – I’ve not written in 20 days! Thats along time – Okay need to work on that lol. I think I am going to curl up in the chair in the living room and work on a whole summary for each day so that I can get it sorted.
Today was proper lazy to start with – even by 10am it was getting toasty – I love the gorgeous weather that we are having but it’s just so hot and sticky – it’s too uncomfy.
We decided to have a BBQ for lunch and invited my parents and my brother – it was lovely to see them. At 11ish I went to the supermarket – it was stupidly busy because the sun was shining – everyone wanted to have a BBQ before the football match this evening (Ghana played USA – I’m not sure who won). Tomorrow England play Germany – I think we are going to get our butts kicked but you never know we might survive to tell the tale.
Me and Rich discussed about his friend’s phone – I had thought it was a 3GS and actually it’s a 3G 🙁 I’m kinda disappointed but going back to a 3G is better than none at all and it’s better than my original iPhone and somehow I think it will be more reliable than my BB which I am actually going to through at the wall soon lol.
This evening Doctor Who was on. I want to tell you what happened but you were at church making drinks etc while the match was on.

Doctor Who Season Finale
I wanted to discuss the ending but so many people on Twitter in the USA were ranting about how they were trying to tweet about the football and loads of spoilers were being posted about Doctor Who – it’s crazy to think that normally it’s us in the UK complaining about the people in the US commenting on TV shows that we are waiting for lol.
Anyhoo lots of posts to write!