I’ve started putting the actual date as well other wise I get confused when catching up on a couple of days in one go.
You were away this weekend with the young people which was nice to have the space but I missed you a whole bunch – especially when I came home early from my brothers party because I felt really ill. You’d taken the young people camping in our friends garden – I’m not entirely sure how they felt about having the young people there but I think they were just pleased that they weren’t causing havoc and upsetting people lol.
The Stig’s birthday was good – before dinner I hung out with Dad in the garden and we picked loads of cherries of the tree. I spent most of the time hanging out with Mum and Dad in the living room catching up on TV rather than hanging out with my brother and his friends (who wants their big sister hanging out with them!) After The Stig blew out the candles I had some cake but then started feeling really ill – I’d already got a headache anyway but I think the cake pushed it over that line between coping and dying lol. I was worried it was a migraine and I felt really nauseous and spent like 10 minutes stood over the loo (how attractive lol)
I drove myself home got ready for bed and just curled up, I really needed a hug big time but there was no one there. I woke up Saturday morning feeling better but had that foggy feeling you get after a headache 🙁 I woke up around 5:30am and almost considered getting up and starting the day there and then
I spend most of Saturday on my own. The Kiwi had a famiy thing to go to. I spend nearly all day doing washing. As we had lovely weather I alternated between washing and watching TV. I managed to watch the whole of Season 1 of A Town Called Eureka. Then around tea time I went to his house and started watching Season 2 with him and the Kiwi – we watched quite a lot of it but I’m going to need to borrow the DVD from him.