Fall (well Autumn) has arrived here in Bedford. Some morning it’s chilly but by lunch time it can be warm again. For instance, today as I write this post, my phone tells me it’s 19C (66F) but earlier this morning it was a low of 9C (48F). It’s completely varied so something that I might wrap up in for the morning school run can be too warm for the afternoon school run! Helpful right? I wore my red lovely scarf earlier for the morning school run but as soon as I got home I had to take it off as I was cooking!
So what is the 10×10 challenge?
Well, my lovely friend Shelby has started fall with a 10×10 challenge. So you pick out 9 or 10 pieces to wear and coordinate for 10 days. I’m attempting to join in from October 1st-10th.
My week didn’t entirely go to plan and it’s now the 5th and I’ve finally got chance to take a photo of my outfits. Great right?
So in my picture I have:
- 3 short sleeved t-shirts (red, navy blue and pale blue)
- Black Hoodie
- Red Star Jumper (which is kind of my Christmas jumper but is also unchristmassy enough that I can wear it the rest of the year!)
- Grey Cardigan
- Two pairs of Black Jeggings
- Grey jeans
- Dark blue/indigo jeans (that I’m currently wearing so they aren’t in the picture!)
For a long time I’ve often end up wearing, a t-shirt/jeans combo because it’s been easier to keep up with Jaxon or just chuck it on in the morning. I want to try and be more adventurous and start dressing more grown up than my current “student” look that seems to still be going on!
Shelby says on her blog post that a successful 10×10 challenge is where you can coordinate the pieces together to make different outfits. Included in my picture are a new pair of black jeggings and the (not pictured) blue jeans. Because they are both new they still have that “I’m jeans but I can be smart” kind of look if I had needed to go out this week. Also dressed with the red jumper over one of the t-shirts this would have worked for going out.
What is also not pictured is my black t-shirt that I needed to wear for work on Monday. I was on standby to work for one of my Mum’s Clients and the uniform there is a plain black t-shirt with black trousers. In the end I wasn’t needed.
With the weather being so changeable I decided not to include a coat and as I practically live in one set of trainers I also didn’t include them. (I guess if you were trying to be strict with the rules you’d include them in your count too in which case I have too many items!)
So these are my 10×10 outfits and hopefully I’ll come up with some good combinations.
If this challenge sounds like your kind of thing you might like to check out Shelby’s Dressember challenge too. I’m still trying to decide if I can do it!
Is a challenge like this your kind of thing or do you like the whole range of your wardrobe to pick from? Do you have different wardrobe setup like a capsule wardrobe?