In the first chapter of The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin talks about having more sleep and in turn it makes you happier. I was determined to try it out. I couldn’t start it straight away as it was already after midnight when I was ready the chapter.
I attempted on Sunday to switch the light off at 11.15pm and go to sleep. Except it didn’t work. I lay in the dark clicking over a bunch of ideas. I lay there thinking about writing them down and figured I’d remember or would wake up more if I picked up my phone to write down the ideas.
But now it’s Tuesday evening and for the life of me I can’t remember what the ideas were. I remembered one was to write down a bucket list and specifically the places I want to visit (but I mean really specific like The British Library in London or The Vatican City in Rome). But that was it. There was another idea and it was awesome (or at least in my mind it was awesome). Melly has also inspired to write me a post titled “50 Things about Me” as she posted her post here. Whether its a phone call, text, email or Facebook status, make sure you tell your best friend how much they mean to you, each and every day.

I had NO IDEA you are married! 13 YO boy? I’ll pray for you, LOL.
Yup been married 6 years in May. Our 13 year old was an unexpected addition to our family when we became foster parents in 2011
Well, belated congratulations & best wishes, LOL.
Hehe thank you muchlie.
I always find that it’s better to wake up and write the things down, otherwise I just end up thinking about them and thinking ‘I should write this down’; not that I ever do write them down after all. I really should begin to!
I’m thinking that is going to be the way forward especially for this year. I need to get into a routine rather than trying to cram in a blog post before bed when it’s already 11pm and I’m tired and losing patience lol. This evening I managed to do it at like 7/8ish and that meant I could spend the rest of the evening chilling.
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