This might sound slightly crazy or even silly but I’m hoping you keep up with my thought line.
So a few weeks back I went to see the film Bridesmaids. I’d seen the trailer, it looked okay and so I figured I’d go see it. Generally I enjoyed it (and the fact that Chris O’Dowd was in it that was cool lol). Anyway, the lead character (Annie) has an amazing best friend (Lillian) who is there for her, each time she screws up her best friend is there for her. In HIMYM, if Lily needs a girlfriend she calls Robin. In Friends there is Rachel and Monica, In Grey’s there is Meredith and Christina.
SO – this is my point btw lol. Is it possible to “fall in love” with the idea of having a “perfect best friend”, you know the one you can call just for a chat because you felt like it, and not feel like you’re interrupting that person’s evening, or you hang out just because and not because you need to particularly go and do something special, you trust them with everything and that’s the first person you call.
Now maybe I’m tired and grouchy and that’s why I’m pondering this at 23:34 while listening to Jar of Hearts and Arms by Christina Perri, Breathe (2am) by Anna Nalick and Satellite by Lena (yes it is a Eurovision song but I like it! Don’t judge me lol!).
I know that you can’t make someone like you – it’s just the way things go, and so this isn’t me begging for a new friend but more pondering on the idea. What do you think?

Hi Hannah….what I’ve learnt in my 60+ years is that friends come and go. There is the saying “Friends come into your life for a Reason, a Season or a Lifetime”. This has helped me immensely at different times to understand why friends go. I ask myself “what was the reason they came into my life?” The answer is always there and it helps. xx BeverlyBling
Hey Beverly
Sorry I meant to reply to your comment but life got busy again 🙁 (My fail!) Yeah I know what you mean – some friends are here for a lifetime and some come and go. I think I was just having a rough patch – I’d been away for over a week which is completely out of character for me, and my closest friends all live outside of Bedford so it’s sometimes really hard to see them 🙁
Thank you for your advice 🙂
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