Back last summer I decided it was finally about time that I did something about my weight. I was overweight, “comfortably” in a UK Size 16 heading for an 18. Deciding that if I was going to be a Mum I wanted to be the kind of Mum who could keep up with her kids rather than sitting on the sidelines and not taking part because of her health when it was something I could solve. So that started me getting healthy.
I joined Slimming World in August and started there. One of my old school friends was a consultant at the time so I decided to give her group a go – it would be nice to see a friendly face. Turned out that near enough the same week I signed up another friend of mine signed up to another group in Bedford so I ended up changing so we could cheer each other on.
At the end of October I found out I was pregnant and although without really trying by the middle of November I had achieved my Club 10 award (Club 10 is when you’ve lost 10% of your starting weight). I had a chat to Lorraine who was our consultant and got some information about Slimming World’s eating plans for Pregnant or Breastfeeding ladies.
I decided that I would keep going while I was pregnant as it gave me a guide so that I didn’t end up putting on tons of extra weight that I didn’t need. By Christmas, I had lost a stone and a half in total since August but at that point I was 12 weeks pregnant, I’d continue to keep going and check in with Lorraine and my midwife if my weigh dropped too much or I had concerns.
I continued to attend and on Tuesday morning I went to group to weigh in following Jaxon’s birth. I queued up and sorted my money as I owed a back week for not being at group last week (I couldn’t even go to the loo without assistance let alone make it to group!!) and then queued to be weighed.
I explained to the lady as I got on the scales “it’ll probably have a freak out but the numbers are correct”. I’m not entirely sure she heard me, she looked up at me then back at the display….
“According to this you’ve lost over a stone…….??????”
“Yes I know. That is correct” (pause) “I was pregnant and I gave birth last week”
“OH!! Congratulations and well done!”
It was quite comical especially as I think it messed up their numbers like the total lost in the group this week and things like that.
In total, since having Jaxon I’ve lost 1 stone and 6 pounds. That’s 20lbs gone just by giving birth and all the associated bits that go with it. That’s pretty much reset my weight to how I was at Christmas.
I did the maths and this leaves 18 pounds to my target. It’s five weeks to my brother’s wedding so I’d like to try and lose 10 of that 18 by then.
Before you panic, I’m not going to rush it and make myself ill. I am most definitely going to take my time, on Tuesday evening Chris and I walked to the supermarket and back which isn’t that far (according to Google Maps it’s a round trip of about a mile – that’s excluding the walking around the store too) but actually I think it was too far at least for now. By the time we were walking back home, my back was starting to hurt and I was feeling rather hot.
I have plans to get out the buggy and walk where I can rather than driving. For the next six (well five now) weeks I actually can’t drive because of the spinal injections I had which means that I’m going to be walking more and catching buses when I am more mobile and need to.
Do you have any goals you’re working towards at the moment?