- Journal my way through the year
- Have a date night with Chris at least once a month (without the boys)
- Get to weight target
- Complete food diary (to aid in the weigh target goal)
- Attempt to complete step goals twice a week at least
- Purchase and update diary
- Sew the cross stitch kit from Christmas (it is Christmas themed but it’ll be ready for use at Christmas)
- Reduce/Clear my In Progress reading list – see Goodreads for the current standing
- Crochet “pavement” blanket
- Keep on track with penpals
- Learn how to knit socks
- Knit a pair of socks
- Try and get some sort of routine for Jaxon (I know he doesn’t always run to a routine but I want to try and get some sort of schedule including naps etc)
This is sort of happening, January and February I was definitely more focused but heading towards the end of February I was getting distracted with other things and didn’t get back to it so I probably need a catch up or just a cut and restart.
Since starting the Marriage Course at church we get Marriage time on a Wednesday to do that but also we’re making sure there’s another slot in the week which is good – this seems to coincide with Our Sidekick going to contact so that we just need a babysitter for Jaxon.
I’m working on this, having been poorly a fortnight ago I lost 3lbs in two weeks, hopefully I can shift the rest and get down to target.
I’ve not been very good at this. But I did ask for a new food diary page at group last week so I will make sure that I get this week’s filled and hopefully that will help to get there.
I actually reduced my goal, I found I wasn’t making it over 7k on a regular basis so I dropped my goal to 7500 to try and encourage myself to get to that point, when I’m a bit more mobile and getting out and about I’ll then push it back up to 10k. Hoping some nicer weather is heading our direction so I can get out walking again.
I went to buy a diary but I couldn’t find one with the specific layout I was looking for. I think I left it too late really – I guess I could go to Paperchase in MK but it’s silly driving to MK just for that. In the end I bought a Leuchtturm notebook and then created the pages myself – it unfortunately only runs from the beginning of February to September but I should hopefully be able to pick up an academic diary to cover the rest of the year or another notebook if that works better.
Okay…this was a good plan but I’m not actually sure where the kit went – I will have to track it down (but at this rate I’ll be cross stitching Christmas patterns in the summer!)
I’ve finished a couple of books but the majority of them weren’t already on the list they were new additions! Oh dear!
I fell out of love with the Pavement blanket so this has been put on hold but I have two other projects that I’ve gained in the mean time so need to get them done.
I have one letter outstanding to go to NY and a couple that are written but haven’t been mailed yet as I wrote them just before I was sick.
I went looking for the right size needles to attempt this but it didn’t happen. I think I need to text Judit for an instruction list and ask her to teach me tonight at knitting group if she can.
The routine is working better during the week but when the boys are at home during the weekend it doesn’t always stick so I think Jaxon sometimes gets a little confused but we are working on it.
- Create Daisy Media website
- Keep blog updated 2/3 times a week
- Complete Website 1
- Redesign Website 2
The website went live! YAY! It needs tweaking and updating but it’s there and it’s ticking over for now which is good.
This is sort of happening but not always – I am determined to get on it now!
It’s almost there, just finishing touches hopefully.
This one hasn’t started as I need to complete the first one so that I can start playing with the template on the test site (talk about complicated – there must be another way – I think I need to go bounce that idea off Chris at some point!)
- Clear out DVDs
- Temporary fix then proper fix the Summerhouse
- Paint all the fencing
- Sort the living room
- Sort the bedroom
- Sort under the bed
- Keep on top of sorting Jaxon’s clothes (space in the nursery is limited so have to make sure we keep on top of sorting out the clothes that are too small as he grows out of them)
- Learn to boil an egg (oh it sounds really silly but I tried to boil eggs a couple of weeks ago and when I went to peel the first it popped all over the work top and was still raw inside….oh dear!)
I did clear out a bunch of DVDs which were sent off to MagicMagpie. I got about £11 for like 30 DVDs – I’m sure I could have got fractionally more if I had put them on eBay but it’s the hassle of getting them all posted separately rather than all in one go. I think I’m going to organise another batch of DVDs to go before the end of April.
None of these have happened yet – the ones outside definitely need better weather to get them started.
Done! The latest batch were packed into an old nappies box this weekend and the two boxes are now stacked on the landing ready to go in the loft once Chris goes up there next.
Haven’t got to this one but we’re only a quarter of the way through the year.
- Save up for a new MacBook
- General save (rainy day sort of saving)
Saving for the Macbook got changed when I adopted Chris’s one – so I have a secondhand one in a way. With regards to saving for a rainy day that’s starting to happen slowly but surely and I’m sure we’ll get there.