When I was at upper school I did Italian – I started in year 9 and finished in year 12. I loved it till I got to A Levels where it got seriously hard.
I kinda wanted to speak the language for speaking it rather than taking exams and stuff like that.
I received an email this morning from my Aunt who works in the same office as me from one of the ladies in the US office. This was one of the important sentences: “Dave tells me your lovely niece speaks Italian?” erm thats me and speaking and italian in one sentence.
Lady in US Office wants me to translate a letter from English to Italian to send to the distributor – I need a lie down! and a dark room.
I’ve been waiting most of the day to hear what I have to do and it’s just arrived – here it goes!!!!

Hi . . . Been going to your blogger blog and wondering where you were. Must be an age thing 😀
Do you fancy using your song for Sunday instead of SOS? Either you can chose and put it up, or I can. Let me know 🙂
And I’ll be back later, now that I have found you, to catch up 🙂
good luck!! Mark and I have been wanting to learn Italian (and Spanish and Russian and Chinesse and Japanese and….)
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