I have another part to add to the story of Hannah’s Job Search. I had another interview yesterday at a local company – it’s a bit further away that I’d expected to travel but that’s not a problem. The two ladies who interviewed me were lovely and friendly, and I felt really welcomed. They even asked questions about my blog which was really funny, especially as it caught me a little off guard and I had no idea what to say about it lol. Apparently they’d even had a look at it (so ladies if you’re reading again HELLO!).
I’d worn trainer socks and my new-ish unworn DMs – this would have been okay but the back of the DMs rubbed up against my heel and the trainer sock disappeared into my shoe, by the time I’d left the interview a blister had appeared and popped. By the time I’d run a few errands (Even though I was back in my trainers) the blister had got worse.
Yesterday afternoon I got another email inviting me to an interview, the times on their website are steering me towards interviewing on Tuesday which is fine but there are quite a few dilemmas spinning round my head at the moment, I have a temp-to-perm job starting on Tuesday, I thought it was right for me but I’m really not sure now. I have the interview from yesterday and this possible interview either this week or next week. Do I risk the definite for the maybe……..
Anyway, I woke up this morning to an email from the team organising the volunteers for TEDxBedford, I’ve been rejected as a volunteer. Since I heard that there was going to be a TEDxBedford I’ve been so excited about it, I’ve been watching the TEDx videos online hoping that one day I’d be able to afford a ticket to go, have an idea to share with the world as a speaker (like Hannah B or Ruby – these are my two favourites) or just be able to volunteer – and so now I have been rejected as a volunteer at TEDxBedford and I physically can’t afford a ticket – even if I was in a job it would be a lot of money for the ticket. But you know what – I’m involved in so many things anyway I think I’ll be okay.

Cannot believe you haven’t been selected for TEDx – Bedford isn’t that big, who else have they got? (Wonder if it’s like Birmingham, (I don’t get involved at all) where it ‘seems’ to be everyone who already knows each that’s picked to be involved.
That was two years ago when I was job searching after leaving that job I was in for like 5 years. Bedford isn’t that big but it seems to depend on who you know sometimes.
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