After the success of my goals in November, I thought I’d carry on by sharing my December goals. I wrote the goals down in my bullet journal but they didn’t make it to a blog post until now. I have a plan going forward and hopefully will have my goals scheduled by the 3rd or 4th of the month so that I can start working on them.
The Goals
These are my goals for December. With Jaxon finishing for Christmas, I think I’m going to be limited as to when they can get completed but some will work with him accompanying me or doing something else at the same time.
Goal 1: Complete Walk 1 from The Copenhagen Companion.
This one is on the list and it might happen with Jaxon in tow but I think it would be better to try without him. I think he’d enjoy some of it once we got going but would probably complain a lot too. I think I’ll either try and get it done before he breaks up from school or get Chris involved. I just need to remember to pack all the snacks for Rex so we don’t have a repeat of attempt number 1 (you can read about that here).
Otherwise, I’ll hold off and maybe Dad and I can do it when he and Mum hopefully visit at the end of the month. (I’ll have to chat to Astrid and see if I’m allowed to share a copy of the map or if I can do a Google Maps version or something to share. In the meantime, you can follow her on Instagram here)
Goal 2: 365 Move Goals (357 so far – 8 days to go)
The great thing about this goal is that it fits in with other goals too. By completing the walk above I should tick another day off for this one. Even if I just walk around the apartment or down to the post boxes, this will help towards each day’s move goal.
Goal 3: Finish Secret Santa Gift (Deadline 12th – ideally earlier)
Trying to finish a handmade gift for my Secret Santa – we’ll see if it gets finished in time or if I’m scrambling to sort out something else.
Goal 4: Finish Baby Blanket
I’m hoping to get this one finished so that I can send it back to the UK with my parents at the beginning of January. I can post it from Denmark but international postage is kind of pricey. I sent a normal A5 letter back to the UK and it was 33kr (that’s about £3-4). Definitely makes first-class in the UK seem cheap! It’s a relatively easy pattern – it’s just whether I can get hold of any additional yarn I need before Christmas. I’m not sure I have enough although I thought it would be enough.
Goal 5: Ride 75km by bike
Although I absolutely smashed the target last month, I know that this month it would be harder. Between Christmas holidays and work that I won’t have as much time to go out cycling. For this month, it’s staying at 75km and I’ll up it next month maybe.
You can find previous goals here.