I DID IT!!!!

Okay so I’ve bored the pants of you all by whinging about how I’ve not blogged because I’ve been doing my story but look look look. Somehow at 22:37 this evening (literally five ish minutes ago) I uploaded my story to the NaNoWriMo site and then updated my Facebook status. I did it! Officially.

I’ve attempted the last four years having been unemployed for the first 9 and a bit days of the first one I did in 2007, the last two years I’ve not had a story I’ve liked enough to keep writing this time round I somehow pulled it out the bag and found my story. Well now I am going to finish Christmas cards and things like that.

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    • Hannie says:

      I need to tweak a chunk in the middle because that bit isn’t finished but I can send you the first half or so up to the bit I need to tweak. It’s soppy and really cheesy.

  1. cardiogirl says:

    CONGRATULATIONS! That’s huge! I cannot believe that you participated in BOTH the blog post month AND NaNo AND emerged the victor! Excellent work!

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