Today we went to the Students and Twenties Super Scavenger Hunt as organised by the Buena Vista group at Woodside Church and a group from All Nations Church.
It started at the bandstand in Bedford Park – which was okay but because it was so cold out we were frozen before we started!! We warmed back up again when we got to the car. We headed for town to get the bits we needed in town – I then nipped home to get the bits I could think of from there and then went back to get Chris and Ian.
(On a sidenote – I read loads of blogs from all over the world and I found one by a guy called Luke – he’s the Youth Worker at Brickhill. I don’t think he quite put two and two together and realised who I was!)
We headed for Biddenham and then further afield to collect answers and things. We got to Harold and we had to go to the Country Park and we had to do a landscape painting – I ended up doing most of it as the boys had run off into the woods to find a stick (I was about to include the clue that we had but I caught my drink and then Chris shouted at me – what kind of person has cream carpets in a rental property).
The boys came back and had taken it literally, the stick actually had to be broken into three pieces so that we could fit it in the car. I drive a Fiat Seicento and that’s kinda small! I’ve managed an Ikea Bookcase in there but we ended up balancing it precariously through the car! (Thank you Wikipedia for the picture!)
By the time finished my bit of the painting my fingers were so painful! I actually though that they were going to drop off! I didn’t have a paintbrush when I started so I used my fingers which as good an idea it sounds it actually really made my fingers even colder. I went to the loo and washed my hands but I couldn’t put my hands under the warm tap because it was way too hot! It felt like it was scolding my hands – I came up with a plan I dunked my hands under the cold tap then under the warm when it was too warm to bare I’d dunk them back under the cold tap so they’d cool off again.
What happened then….? We had a bit more of a road trip – at about 4ish CJ and Ian dropped me off at my Dad’s so that I could sort out the bits we were missing while they went to take some photos that we were missing. We also nipped into church to get craft bits ready for our final challenge.
We then headed to the pub which was our meeting point, we parked ourselves in the corner and got the last few bits and pieces together so that we’d be getting as many marks as we could get.
At about 20 past 6, we sat down and had some nibbles to eat. CJ had to dash off to a meeting at 7, about the same time we had to start our final challenge. The challenge was to create a model of a building, monument or statue of something in Bedford. So we chose the Butterfly Bridge. Ian and I ended up finishing it as Chris had to leave.
I think the marking was squiffy because somewhere along the line we ended up joint fourth with Matt’s team who had taken photos of their objects rather than collecting objects.
Anyhoo I am sure I could write lots more but I’ve been asked to run Creche in the morning! I will talk to you all tomorrow!
PS I will be back with our creation photo tomorrow 🙂