Over on Facebook I’m part of a blogging group. On the Wednesdays of each month we have a group prompt that we’re all going to answer. This weeks’ prompt is…
5 Oddest Things in Your Purse
Purse….okay US definition of a purse looks like this…
UK definition looks like this…
So, in my purse (UK)
- a half penny coin from Blists Hill
- Watch battery
- old train tickets – one from going to court with a friend last week
- prayer request card from the ladies meal last weekend
- a business card from a group of local Mormon missionaries.
and purse (US)…
My purse is usually Jaxon’s changing bag rather than carrying a second bag with me.
The five oddest things in that purse are…
- crochet hook and wool
- sewing needle (this lives in a little manicure kit that has a mini pair of scissors too)
- freezer bag of boiled sweets and mint imperials (I’ve had a cold and sore throat so had sucky sweets to try and reduce the amount I’ve coughed. The lemon ones are low/reduced sugar ones and the mint imperials work out at half a syn each on Slimming World – not great but still better than Strepsils).
- phone charger – I guess not so weird but the fact that I have to carry it is crazy – why does my battery keep dying?!!
- Slimming World book – again not so odd but very helpful when needed

I had no idea that purse meant such different things in different places!! lol I also love that you have a crochet hook and wool in your diaper bag! I am always looking for something to do while I wait places, and I didn’t think about including my crochet stuff! Great post!
Hehe that’s another difference (amongst many between British and American English), here it’s a nappy, there it’s a diaper. Also a nappy bag here is a plastic bag that you put the used nappy in, so the diaper bag is actually a changing bag. I usually carry just what I need but sometimes I end up carrying a second bag in the basket on the buggy.
haha A UK purse would never ever work for me! I definitely always have my phone charger too!
I went shopping for a new purse/handbag yesterday. It was SO hard! I found one I liked but it was more like a weekend bag so was too big. Then the next one I liked was too small! It needs to fit so much stuff in it that I’m very picky lol.
I am so picky too! I understand!
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