Currently… image from rukristin
Fringe (Season 3)
(Not a lot but when I have picked up a book) The Christian Mama’s Guide to Having a Baby by Erin MacPherson. (Very American but still good)
Queen – not the WWRY versions but the actual Queen versions.
Put a hold on the granny stripe blanket, finishing up a prayer shawl for one friend and then making lots of little squares for a friend’s project.
Scared and excited. Started maternity leave on Friday. Some people are questioning why so early and other people are excited for me. Also a little worried but that’s a different track completely.
Journal layouts for My Details and for the entries while we were on holiday. Also planning my Maternity Leave To Do list. Don’t worry not going to over do it.
Sleep! Well when it happens. Like an unexpected two hour nap. Now that was good.