Monday 16th May

I keep getting bogged down in back dating and filling in the posts that I missed out because I’d half forgotten about this blog but now I’m going forward – I can work backwards when I’m off ill or have the time to spare.

I made a whoopsie today – last week we’d discussed about having dinner together this evening as we’d both made a whoopsie on Thursday when it came to celebrating our anniversary. I was free and you weren’t so I went to the pub with our friend then when you were free I wasn’t – d’oh! Fail for lack of communication but on the other hand you get a fist pump and gold star because you brought me back chocolate from London – not only was it chocolate but it was my favourite because it was white chocolate (I’m not convinced by the strawberries in it but I will try it and most of all it’s Divine chocolate which means it’s FairTrade so that makes it all good lol)

I got in from work and you were on a mission – you were writing a letter about some stuff that needed to be dealt with rather than be swept under the carpet – which I think we had subconsciously been doing – which was wasn’t so good. When you finished the letter (and decorating the envelope lol) we sorted some dinner.

A local restaurant has recently started doing takeaway as well as sit down meals so we got takeaway from there and then walked home – while we waiting for our meal to be cooked we had a chat over the future and stuff like that. It was good to chat and I’m so excited (and kinda scared) about the future but I think it will be so amazing and God will provide – we don’t need to freak out (although I am a little bit lol – need to deal with that lol) because God’s got it sorted – right!

We started watching The Apprentice before Mum came to take me to the rehearsal at Cardington – we’ve got two services in the next few weeks – I’m going to be playing bass at the one of the 5th June which is exciting – I might get to play our bassist’s bass instead of my own which is cool because it’s lighter and a better sound but at the same time I might have to play my own because he’ll be bringing his acoustic to play. It’s so complicated lol.

Anyway – I wanted to say thank you for my new logo on my regular blog – I am so grateful and feel so loved because you took the time to do it.
